Rachel’s Shaved Pussy, No. Five

With the swathe Kirsty and I were cutting through the school, fucking like rabbits with a significant minority of the entire student body (male and female) plus a teacher or two, it was only a matter of time before we got the attention of authority. With practice, we were pretty proficient in keeping news contained … Read more

Denied Pleasures

I let out a pent up sigh as i raised my hand and knocked on the hard wood door. i heard a low grumble from inside and took that as an invitation to come in. i opened the door to see dark blue walls covered in band posters and the occasional playboy girl posing seductively … Read more

A Family At Odds Chapter 10

It’s Friday the middle of July. A week has gone by since Savannah, Megan, and I committed to each other saying our vows and love to each other. It was a interesting week in the least Sasha and Lucy came over Wednesday trying to start some drama. They asked why we never told them about … Read more

Mark the Spot_(0)

Mark The Spot I was thinking as I walked through the side door of my house that this was probably the worst day of my life. Humiliated at work… no, undermined by a snivelling little shit that worked for me and almost got me fired. To top it all off, my car pool gets screwed … Read more

Irish Fresh part 2

Terry McKing walked out the main office. She had made it there earlier then expected, despite her late night activities. At seven thirty in the morning she was already familiarizing herself with the school. She couldn’t help but notice the amount of students already there, especially since classes didn’t start until eight thirty. The ones … Read more

I found my sister stripping Ch 9

I looked down at Amber as she held our daughter. The gambit of emotions as I gazed upon her, holding Anna, our fragile little daughter in her arms, was almost too much. I wanted to cry I was so happy, weep for all the problems I knew she would face in her life, dance that … Read more

The Chauffeur (#59) The Investigation of Things

CHAPTER 1 By the time Allison got out of the hospital, she was feeling much better. However, Diane and Jill were still not feeling 100%. Dr. Ronda was sure that it was from dehydration and a high white blood cell count. She changed antibiotics and upped the dosage. I called Patrick’s company and spoke to … Read more


It had been another long and boring day and it was now third period, history. Sensei was in the middle of another boring lecture about the early 1500’s. I always paid attention in class and completed my studies but today’s lecture was just really boring. I tried to pay attention but my mind began to … Read more

Asmodeus – Demon of Lust: Part 4

A/N – Hello everyone! I hope you guys are enjoying this series as much as I enjoy writing. Please, please send me some feedback if you liked it (or even if you didn’t) and let me know if you guys have any suggestions for what should happen next, all ideas are open to consideration. Happy … Read more

Gray Jedi Ch. 8

Gray Jedi Ch. 8 “There’s the hangar,” Malik said, peering through his electrobinoculars. “A couple of patrols, nothing too bad. The entrance is still sealed up, so I bet they think nobody can get in that way.” “Now we just gotta figure out how to get in unnoticed,” Serra muttered. “Sir, I’m back!” Rex said, … Read more

Gaming for Love

I’m back, dear readers! Been writing up a storm over the holiday break; I did manage to churn out a few chapters of the sequel to my King Arthur story, as well as this little number. I’ve cooked up this short romance for the 2018 Valentine’s Day contest over on Literotica. As you can tell … Read more

Skating Free

Skating Free The crowds at Gangneung Oval roared with excitement. The Pyeongchang Olympics had so far been a rousing success, and this was one of the most hotly anticipated events of all: men’s speed skating. South Korea had experienced great success in the sport in recent years, and the fact that a local boy sat … Read more