Good Old Boy’s Club [Part 1]

[1] “Ooh, looks like we’ve got a whale.” Candi, one of the more popular strippers at The Dollhouse, surreptitiously peeked out from behind the curtain. The whale in question was sitting alone at the bar, his back to the nearest stage, drinking what looked like his third top-shelf whiskey. Even from this distance, the cut … Read more

Sister’s Surprise, Chapter 5

Sister’s Surprise, Chapter 5 Jessica was asleep, beside me on the couch, with her arm draped over my chest, and one leg over one of mine. We were both still naked, the evidence of our lovemaking still gooey smeared against our lower abdomens, its incestuous aroma wafting up to greet my still tired senses. I … Read more

The Blind Girl in the Snow: part 3

I was sat behind my desk when the call came. “What?” I shouted down the phone, “You mean now?” I jumped up with a mixture of surprise, delight, fear, and anticipation. At that exact moment, Janet walked through the door with one of the pool girls. I stared at her wide-eyed and scared witless. She … Read more

Election Time

Election Time. It was the night before the elections, usually no body bothered with elections in Praedsville and nothing changed as it was hard enough finding one person that was crazy enough to want to do a two year term as Mayor let alone find two but this year we had two contenders and one … Read more

The Neighbourhood 00 – 2022-Spring

Constructive advice preferred, of course – this is my first erotic story posting. Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. If you’re interested in editing, I have another 45000 words so far, and could use some pre-post feedback. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot … Read more

The Cove Ch 5

The black hood fell loosely to Will’s shoulders. His pulse began to race, and his breathing became strained. Initially Will thought the hood might be suffocating him, but he realized as he made a concerted effort to slow his breathing, the hood had very little effect on his oxygen intake. He was momentarily frightened when … Read more

Love At First Sight pt 3

I woke up, my head pounding. My body is was so sore, especially my arms, which also happen to be tied behind my back. I look around, and the first thing I notice is how cold it is. Doesn’t this place have heat? I see papers strewn about, dirt all over the place and a … Read more

Falling In, pt 3_(0)

Continued from “Falling In, pt 2” Jackie and I spent the rest of he morning lazing around the school doing the stupid shit teen kids usually do at school before it starts. Walking the halls, joking, spending time with friends. Jackie stayed with me the entire morning, hanging with me and my friends. My friends … Read more

Ty and Charlie

A.N. All the events are a first for me and this story is unfolding right now so if you like it, rate it up, and I will post more about what happens. Just a heads up there isn’t any sex in this one For a few months now, I have realized that I am more … Read more

Help! – Part 6

Welcome to part 6 of “Help!”. This continues from Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, which I recommend reading before reading this if you haven’t already done so. Remember to let me know what you think after you have read it. Enjoy… 🙂 *** WARNING: This story contains descriptions of a sexual nature between … Read more

Favorite Aunt – Ch. 7

Chapter 7 The Cottage It had been a couple of weeks since Ben arrived and once again he awoke with a start from another bad dream relating to events about his family. Breathing rather heavy he sat up and swung his feet off the bed to the floor. He bent over and ran through a … Read more

Bare Asses and Boyfriends

Knock. Knock. Knock. There was some movement behind the door; I was expecting Will to open the door. “Hello, Ryan. William is upstairs getting ready. I told him he was going to be late…” Mrs. Bin stood to the side to allow me to slip past the door. I put on a smile and thanked … Read more

The Wrath of Gaia pt 5

Phtonus’s words scared Cat to her core. Although Phtonus was the god of jealousy, he was not one to speak without good reason, and his words held a lot of power amongst the gods, so what did he mean that this boy would kill her? She looked back down at Justin as he rested peacefully … Read more