Miss Brabbingers Downfall

Miss Brabbingers downfall. Lord Rothby looked disconsolately into his tankard of mead as the fool told the same old joke once more while the zither man slurped ale from his tankard and the Landlord at the Frothby Duck at Langley bemoaned that the Canal was now complete and his best customers the Navigators or Navvys … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 22

It finally stopped raining around 6 a.m. on a Sunday morning. I sat up to look around. I was in a park just blocks away from Disneyland. I stood up to stretch until my chest decide it had other reasons as to not to. I looked across the way to see a convience store open. … Read more

Magical Hearts chapter 12

Magical hearts chapter 12 The summer passes into fall as we prepare the fortresses on the islands denying their use by any raider of our kingdom. By the end of summer and the beginning of fall, a tower is on all islands that has shown use by Raiders. Justin’s old teacher has shared with us … Read more

The Ten of Them Chapter 3

JJ feels the bond for Kathryn a feeling so very strong, this bonding pulls them together, generated a need within him to love and care for Kathryn. JJ realizing Kathryn ten years of age is not ready for sex decides to wait, rather than chance losing the powerful connection they share. Kathryn is the only … Read more

Seeing Matt’s Stars Part 2

I crossed the road leading to a small house set back a few yards from the sidewalk, moving toward someone unloading his car into the driveway. He turned when he heard the sound of my sneakers against the gravel. “Hi there.” I held out my hand to him, which he accepted with a slight smile. … Read more

Pin-up Girl

Introduction: This is a period piece set during World War II. My father was a gunner on a B-17 with the 381st bomb group of the 8th Air Force flying out of Ridgewell, England Station 167 near Great Yeldham, England. While the story is not about him, he and his mates served as inspiration for … Read more

Our Evening Ritual

Our Evening Ritual Making time for sensuality in my life is essential for me. I make sure that I dedicate time to it each and every day. It’s a concept to which I’m committed, well, to which we are committed because it includes my man and his efforts as well. I told a few of … Read more

Beautiful Niece Kaylee Ch.8

I have changed the age of my Niece to be compliant with the rules. This also throws off all future timelines. I apologize for any confusion, however I hope you will understand. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 8 Friday afternoon found me in my usual parking spot, outside the high school library. Right on time, my beautiful niece … Read more


COUSINS –OUR STORY – Chapter 6 Romance, incest, male/female, softcore This story is a biography, based on fact (as best as I can remember – events that were unexpected, special and unforgettable) with interwoven fiction. It spans a number of years For photo of Lila see: http://forum.xnxx.com/album.php?albumid=34532 I felt it was more sensual in B&W. … Read more

Amish No More – Chapter 3

The week that Martha would be released to me had finally arrived and I would be going alone to Arthur’s Estate in Martha’s Vineyards to get her and waiting for Arthur to return from a business trip in Australia. Martha would be waiting for me there and in the event that he was delayed, I … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 39

It’s been a weird couple of weeks since Father’s Day. My family has been coming together supporting one another. There has been a few other changes which have caught my eyes…Simone and Vanessa. Both have well been flirting with me, and showing me affection other then a niece to her uncle. I have been a … Read more

Help wanted part 9 (last) and The Shower

The LAST chapter “Try not to move Cate.” “I’m sorry Doug.” “I’m sorry too. Thank god you’re not seriously hurt.” “My car is a write off.” “So I heard.” We drove in silence for a minute or two. “Do you want another Yaris or would you prefer a pick-up truck? A pick-up truck would make … Read more

Our Doctor’s Appointment

We had a every active and intense sex life. After about a year, we started talking about starting our family. Once I got pregnant, our love life was on hold. I was very tired and felt nauseated. My husband and I were entering our fifth month of pregnancy. My energy was coming back and I … Read more

Love and Loss

Darren and I had been best friends ever since I could remember, we had both moved to a quite neighborhood in Brisbane around the same time, when we were about seven. The neighborhood we lived in didn’t really have many kids, none our age anyway, so Darren and I hit it off immediately, we soon … Read more

Avatar : The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar Part 2

The ship pulled into the port with a loud bang and bash as it was moored agains the quay. Korra stirred and awoke from her dreamy sleep to see an enlarging white light form on the wall opposite her, pulling my arm from around her shoulder she turned around swiftly and crept to the edge … Read more