Lost and Found Chapter 3

Author’s note : Sorry that it took so long to publish the next chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as you enjoyed the previous chapters. PS: Not much descriptive sex. I’m trying to progress the story line. On the next morning, I went down to the kitchen to find my mom preparing … Read more

Precious Monster

“’It’s no use going back to yesterday. I was a different person then.’” -Lewis Carroll, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” *** “I know people are afraid of me,” Lily said. “And I understand why. So I won’t take it personally if you prefer not to work with me directly.” Ashe’s pen scratched across her notebook. She … Read more

Brittany and Me part 6

“Justin, wake up!” He could feel his body being rocked as the excited girl shouted out to him. “It’s my birthday!” A groggy Justin opened his eyes, if only barely, looking at the clock. “And it’s only 8 o’clock…” he murmured as he shut his eyes once more. Brittany, not deterred, hopped on top of … Read more

Broken Birds, Part 27 Coming Out Party -Prelude

Part 27 Coming Out Party Two months after the trip to Brisbane, Rafaela, Alice, Maria and Lynne joined the others, shopping for the first time. Discrete guards, male and female, watched them, but never had to intervene. They visited the casino. The next day, Tim had his men check for any camera hits. Casinos routinely … Read more

Apartment Complex Susan Pt. 2

Part 2 Susan at the cabin. John was spent. He has rather regular sex but today was very taxing and he wanted to rest. Susan had other ideas as she had only had a little orgasm and was not about to quit. Susan looked at John and she started to kiss him first on the … Read more

From Here to Algonquin 1

One warm yet overcast summer day some guys were planning a party in the Village of Algonquin, Illinois but suddenly some ninjas broke into the squalid apartment where the guys were planning the party and tried to start a fight. “You dudes are going to get your asses kicked by us ninjas after we are … Read more

The Pin by

This is a long story over 26,000 words. I changed the name of the dead guy, who has a very minor part in the second half of the story, because I don’t like saying his real name. This story is total fiction, which means this is not a true story. I made the whole thing … Read more

I Got My Girl

“Come on. We don’t have to make out. It’s just a small kiss. I want to try it out.” I sigh and look at my best friend since 4th grade. She was gorgeous, brown hair, brown eyes, white smile. She was straight. Me? I was gay. She knows this. We were in the middle of … Read more

Ice Maiden

Ice maiden. A smoke filled room in 1813. “And how is the ‘Ice Maiden,” Rigsby enquired as I joined him at the fireside in my club. “Still frozen I’ll wager.” Malden laughed. “Damn it man I told you in confidence,” I snapped as my marital woes were laid bare for all and sundry to laugh … Read more

Rick Returns: Son’s Revenge 2

Here’s the sequel been working on it all weekend. With everything put in its definitely longer than the first one. Open to feedback and suggestions. If you haven’t read the first Chapter I strongly advise you do. On that note! Rick returns: Son’s revenge 2 8 years later….. Rick’s adoptive mother Jodi, slept with Rick’s … Read more

The Ten of Them. Chapter 10

In our last chapter we added Sam to our family, since that felt so good, we continue to add new family members. Alyssa becomes Sam’s adoptive grandmother, Joan and Johnny, Marshall and Misty, her new aunts and uncles, Michelle Collins an aunt, and Judge Thurgood as her great uncle. Of course all the Edwards will … Read more

bert and kelly

Kelly Presson was a sharp lady. Her two degrees from the university had landed her a good job in a very upscale community in a resort area. She had moved into her nicely furnished, upscale apartment shortly after starting her new job; then, to match her upscale life style, she bought a new red mustang … Read more

Girl With A Secret

My god, what a miserable experience. Senior Prom. A solid month of preparation, a two hundred dollar dress that will have me working for Mom all summer, a three hundred dollar pair of shoes that will see me enslaved to her postal/shipping/mailbox store until I’m fifty-six, and we can’t forget the ninety dollar haircut. What … Read more