This Story Is About Cindy 1:8_(3)

PART 1 CHAPTER 8 Two weeks later Cindy was still pissed as shit, despite a few pleasant interactions. I was starting to get really worried that this ‘other guy’ that Reggie had mentioned was going to win over Cindy. That worry was turned into a terror, however, one saturday afternoon. Aunt Linny and the twins … Read more

Falling for His Lordship’s daughter

Falling for His Lordship’s Daughter In the 1980s I lived in a tiny cottage on Lord B’s estate near Cheltenham, England while I studied estate management at The Royal Agricultural College Cirencester. The cottage was originally built for a Shepherd. It sat at the roadside a mile or so from the lord’s imposing neo classical … Read more

Naruto:Kyuubi Secrets Ch.6

Right as Naruto landed on his living room floor, he heard a buzzing in his ear. Suddenly, the all too familiar scroll flashed in an eruption of flooding light, and as it died down, in it’s midst stood a very pissed-off looking fox-girl. “What the hell, Naruto!” She exclaimed, her face red in anger. “I’m … Read more

Seductive Stoners

Seductive Stoners This is my first story. I got off work promptly at 5 o’clock and texted Liv the second I got out to the parking lot. I quickly typed “hey bud, ima go grab and be home by sixish” on my Blackberry before hopping into my Volvo and heading downtown. A friend of a … Read more

THE HUNT, Chapter 1: The Beginning

INTRODUCTION The setting for the story in my mind is similar to the mid-1700’s of America, if not really. The setting is still primitive, still wild and raw, still largely untamed, and in some places seemingly inaccessible simply due to geological formations. Outside the larger cities along the sea coasts, the economy of the inhabited, … Read more

The Security Guard Takes Charge Part2

I quickly did my patrol as I couldn’t wait to get back to what I had waiting for me in the guardhouse. When I opened the door, the vision I saw made me catch my breath for a minute. There tied to the desk, naked except for her sneakers was the sexy teenager Hailey with … Read more

Married for a dowry, not love

In the London society of 1902 finances force my marriage to Jane, the sickly daughter of the wealthy Lord and Lady Harcourt Married for a Dowry. “Geoffrey I have Lady Harcourt coming at three this afternoon to discuss marriage,” Mother informed me one afternoon. “Is she not somewhat long in the tooth and indeed already … Read more

The DReAMers part 5

Dreamers part 5 The Universe was coming to an end as the contraction entered its final moments with billions upon billions of stars and planets swept up in the great circular wave that was returning from whence it came. Time and space were shrinking as the small fleet of ships blinked into what was left … Read more

The Girl From My Kung Fu Class

I was riding my truck down Elk Street. I was heading to my martial arts class, which starts at eight pm. It was 7:52 and the gym was only 3 minutes away, so I had plenty of time. To be fair it’s not a “martial arts” class but a “Kickboxing and Kung Fu” class. I’d … Read more

From Darkness into Light–4

The final chapter. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sr. Longo CHAPTER 18 We left the house around 6:30 for our dinner reservation. I knew the restaurant was always crowded on the weekends, but this was ridiculous. I couldn’t find a place to park in their large lot. I … Read more

Stranger in the night

John and Mary had been married 3 wonderful years and while their jobs kept them busy and away from each other quite often lately they always kept in touch. On one of those many nights when Mary had the house to herself, while John was away on a business trip, she sat in front of … Read more

Awkward Anne – Chpater 2

–=Awkward Anne – Chapter 2=– Anne’s large, brown eyes creaked open, blinking through the early morning sun that was shining unpleasantly into her face. She groaned, arched herself into a languid, feline stretch and began untangling herself from her twisted bed sheets. The flowing, overlarge Batman shirt had ridden up past her waist, exposing her … Read more

Dakota pt.2

Obviously this is fictional since I never spoke to her again since the second grade. I saw her once when I was 11-12, but we never spoke. This is how I wished things had happened and a little extra stuff for you guys to make up for posting the first part without any sort of … Read more

Modern Mage – Chaper 5

Another Chapter down, hope those of you who like the story are continuing to enjoy it. I got a little more character development done and brought another important player for the direction I have in mind for the story into play. I know the story is going slowly, however I’m writing that way because I … Read more

Rachel gets to ride.

Rachel gets to ride, a bike and other things. She woke up and suddenly realized she was not in her own bed and then she remembered last night. Oh last night as she sighed. It had been some time and it felt so good to be with a man again and what a man. He … Read more

my best friend part two_(0)

you have to read my best friend part 1 to actually get it…i love licking and i like getting blow jobs, i am just here to please other. ENJOY We spent the rest of the week end in a routine that was, in the morning after breakfast I would eat her pussy then she would … Read more