Letting Her Stay – chapter 3

– (Emma) Life was awful until I met Henry. I was failing most of my classes. My mom kept telling me I had to try harder in school, but I was no good at it. She said I needed to find a job and a place to live by graduation. We were poor and she … Read more

Perfect Stranger- Part 2- Close call

Violet reacted very strangely when I told her that I planned on running away with her. She seems relieved; like she’d known that I would the whole time, and was just waiting for me to say so. But that was the thing about my relationship with her; she almost knew me better than I knew … Read more

She – 3rd person

She’d been thinking about him all day. Not so much the person as the task. She had awoken that morning and stumbled from bed in much her normal way, except today was different. It only took her moment s for the cobwebs to clear enough to realize that today she would finally be his. It … Read more

Day at the Water Park

The following stories will be various fantasies that my girlfriend and I happen to share and enjoy. I probably won’t pay attention to any requests, but by all means feel free to make them. I know some people love to make futile gestures. If you don’t like the content then feel free to hurl all … Read more

A Cruise with My Granddaughter

I traveled around the country for the rest of that year and most of the next without seeing my granddaughter. I talked to her on occasion when I would call, but only for a brief amount of time. In my paranoid guilt, I imagined that she was having second thoughts about our last encounter and … Read more

Steam powered attraction

Amelia sat as she always did, upon the cushioned seat of the open bay window, the cool evening breeze tickling her short, richly colored hair against the back of her pale neck. She sat with her feet curled under herself, almost kneeling and leaning forward on the windowsill, a thick, leather bound book open before … Read more

Dog Who Owned Me

My life changed on a Friday, just after I’d turned eighteen and recently moved into a new life. That’s how I liked to think of it. After leaving the modest village where I’d grown up, I’d moved to the modest town where I’d be attending community college. I wanted to be a graphic artist or … Read more

Mr. Make – Belief

I stood there inhaling a long needed drag of my cigarette, across from a drunken misfit who was desperately trying to pick me up with sad pick up lines. “ See this scrape, I got it when I fell in love with you” he mumbled while pointing at the recent gash on his face caused … Read more

The Story of Ann part 2 by

The story of Ann part 2 Ann was not at all uncomfortable in the back of this vehicle and with the orgasms that had just taken place, along with whoever was currently sucking on her,this again brought her to a trembling climax. She loved it, when her husband twisted and played with her nipples, but … Read more

My Lucky Day With Anna

It was a typical warm, sunny Hong Kong day. I was living in the Hilton Hotel and had booked that Saturday on the hotel’s yacht for the lunch cruise to one of the quiet South China Sea bays. It was a perfect day, with the San Miguel beers slipping down a treat. One of the … Read more

My Best Friend, Evan 2_(1)

Evan’s and I relationship had always remained the same ever since we were kids, but by the time I entered high school, things changed for the better and the worst. Evan was 3 years older than me and a senior at the time, along with his brother Greg. The school we attended was much smaller … Read more

Lesbian introductions episode 2

Lesbian introductions cont. “Ok, your turn, you filthy thing.” Giulietta smiled… “Hell yes.” The wind and rain pounded against the old house’s windows. Inside, lust was brewing. In the guest room, two females were embraced in deviant, forsaken love. Their silhouettes showed one lying on top the bed, her chest raising and falling repeatedly after … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 3 Ch 03

A quiet interlude… The aurora borealis turned slowly over their heads as the boat drifted in the calm water. Dani gazed up at it, enjoying the feel of her lover’s warm body next to hers. “When did you find out you were sterile?” Jonathan asked, running his fingers up Dani’s soft slightly damp belly and … Read more

Toronto Subway Deepthroat

It was a hot Toronto summer Sunday evening when I was headed back home from spending an evening downtown with my friends. As 23-year-old junior college students we were enjoying the much-needed break from our semester exams. I was about six subway stops past the Bloor-Yonge line in an empty cart, I was seated near … Read more