Male Enhancement Pills and the Wife’s Sisters: Part I

CHAPTER 1 You love your wife, Jenny, more than anything in the world. You two were high school sweethearts, and your marriage in unusually functional, if not perfect. But you recently made a reasonably innocent decision that has opened up a Pandora’s Box of issues. In an attempt to add a little kink to the … Read more

OFFICE FUN 5: The Shop

Like all my stories, this is a story with sex as opposed to a hard-core porn story. CHAPTER FIVE: THE SHOP I decided to take everyone at their word. The following day, Tuesday, I came into the office and greeted everyone as I normally did, though the greeting I received back was much more attentive … Read more

Night Thoughts

NIGHT THOUGHTS Paul Spencer got an email from his mother every day, once she realized that email was very much more practical than postal delivery. But he did not read them every day, since some days he just did not have the time. Dodging bullets and bombs had a higher priority in Afghanistan, and it … Read more

First kiss_(0)

You may say that being 19 and not ever been kissed by a girl is bullshit. But I did get a lot of girls running after me, begging me to date them and what not. However I wasn’t like the rest of the guys. I’m hella tall 6ft3 to be exact, athletic body, dark hair; … Read more

COUSINS –OUR STORY – Chapter 3 revised

COUSINS –OUR STORY – Chapter 3 Romance, incest, male/female, softcore This story is a biography, based on fact (as best as I can remember – events that were unexpected, special and unforgettable) with interwoven fiction. It covers a number of years. For photo of Lila see: I felt it was more sensual in B&W. … Read more

Last Chance….Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Saturday About Hope: I was still upset Saturday morning. I thought she probably was too. I was pretty sure that she’d call but I didn’t know when. I sure didn’t expect it to be in the middle of the day. “Hello.” “Don?” “This is a nice surprise, I didn’t expect you to call … Read more

Reeled in and ensnared

Reeled in and Ensnared by a devious wench “Really Hargreaves this is quite intolerable” I railed at my butler as yet another desperate mother brought her ugly mean spirited daughter to meet me. The pretexts were quite ludicrous, but for some reason I was seen as quite the catch, an unmarried titled gentleman with a … Read more

Valley Girl

Sequel to “How Green Was My Valley” from CAW 26. How Green Was My Valley was the story of a war bride from Cardiff, in the UK, who came to America with a GI. It was in the form of a letter to her daughter. At the end the narrator says the daughter came along … Read more

The Internet Cherry

I remember getting my first AOL Massager when I was 11 years old. I know computers were out way before then but I lived a sheltered life and it was the first time my mom even considered getting us a computer. It wasn’t long before I fell hard for the internet and everything it offered. … Read more

Cream of Chicken Ass Hair soup (part 2)

Ricky’s gut was killing him. The bromide hadn’t helped, and the pastrami sandwich made it much worse. Ricky wanted to make some Cream of Chicken Ass Hair soup. He thought that his gastro intestinal problem could be relieved with Cream of Chicken Ass Hair soup. The problem was Ricky needed 8-10 well soiled thongs and … Read more

My Sister Sarah and I – part 2

For all those of you who have asked, here’s Part 2 – finally. I re-wrote it a couple of times, but this was the best version, in my mind. For all those who have left their encouraging comments, i thank you for your support. I just hope this part meets with your approval too. if … Read more

The Ten of Them. Chapter 28 part 2

Chapter 28 part two. Written by hard93. Just after JJ and Kathryn with their three daughters, leave the hospital after paying their two thousand six hundred and four dollar bill for the short stay. JJ drives Kathryn and their three daughters home and continues with their life. The roads cleared, salted, and life again takes … Read more

Anton Station.

Sorry peopels taking a break from Link as i am TOTALLY stumped and thought of a new idea for a story, Kai, with her long brown, curly hair with help from the breeze, whipped at the back of her neck. Her long eyelashes, whihc almost hid her sky blue eyes, kept the dirt out of … Read more

The Breeder Wars chapter 1

Prologue Nobody expected there to be a World War 3, when it did come, everyone knew the terrible truth. No world leader would give up willingly. Missile defense systems, foreign and otherwise, were designed to withstand nuclear attacks from without, rather than within. Greedy politicians and foreign dictators, spoiled in their positions of absolute power, … Read more

My Big Brother Jack

I barely had time to get in the apartment door before my roommates were on me, both talking at once and more excitedly than I’d ever seen before. “There was a guy here looking for you,”  Sarah said, her voice full of mystery. “He was huge!” “He said he was your brother,” Ellie said. “My … Read more

Finally a Friend by

Please bear with me, I’m new to this, but I’ve read a lot of these, and loved so many of them. I decided it was my time to take a shot. My grammar and spelling are not fantastic, and if anyone wants to give suggestions for directions of this story or others, they would be … Read more


Hi, my name is Charlie and I am currently a senior in high school. This story takes place during spring break, when my mother decided to leave for the week leaving me home alone. When she told me her last minute travel planes I was so happy, I would finally have time to myself and … Read more

My Lovely twin Part 2

I got up as Kelly went to the bathroom. I put on some underwear and went to my phone which I left on a counter so I could spy on what they would say when I left. I played the recording. “I thought you told him after you told me.” Kelly said “Why should I … Read more