An Old Flame in a New City: Chapter 2

Laura went back to her apartment still red in the face from the orgasms of less than an hour ago. “So, how’d the meeting with the guy go?” Her roommate asked, already knowing the answer. “Oh my God, he was amazing. I cannot fucking wait for tomorrow” the thought already making her wet. As she … Read more

Ranchland – Chapter 2

Ranchland – Chapter 2 It was early the next morning when Ben woke from a deep sleep. His first thoughts were of his niece Amy, and the beauty she’d found in the lightning storm of the previous night, her second experience of the majestic power that Mother Nature had demonstrated in as many days. Thunder … Read more

My amazing Mason

Hi everyone! I once again have to thank pussyeeter for letting me do this and for his help! I know he doesn’t want this but I insisted that he do this for me, so here it goes. I had the honor of meeting him in person and let me tell you something about him, and … Read more


Nelson was working out in the back yard, with his best friend when he started to hear yelling. He got up while his friend cody continued to workout. Nelson slowly made his way to the wooden fence when he suddenly heard his friend gabby yelling. She was screaming yelling like someone was hurting her . … Read more

Payment: first time

payment: first time “You may change in a bathroom if you’d like.” Cathy had been led to a plush room, too large to be called a bedroom, although it contained several beds. Also a stage and lots of folding chairs. It had full mirrors on all sides and the ceiling. There were drapes and large … Read more

My Little Girlfriend’s Surprise

I was always a very lech little boy. I was interested since I was in kindergarten. I always love these little cute angels with their white dress and white leggings. They seem to me as the ideal girl that can be my girlfriend. In kindergarten, girls and boy shared washroom. So often I can see … Read more

The Body Builder

I knew most of the people at the opening, a small show for a sculptor that had recently moved to the city. The art community was just starting to expand from the couple dozen regulars that had been there for the last decade. There were a few people I didn’t know, but one caught my … Read more

Little Dove

We had just returned home from the Gun Smoke after spending a wonderful evening of dining and dancing with our friends Adam and Rose. Laura loves to dance, and although I am a fair dancer as the result of her help, it is my little dove that shines at this endeavor. Laura makes me look … Read more


COUSINS –OUR STORY – Chapter 2 Romance, incest, male/female, softcore This story is a biography, based on fact (as best as I can remember – events that were unexpected, special and unforgettable) with interwoven fiction. It covers a number of years BACKGROUND TO OUR STORY………. It was 1992 when my family moved to live close … Read more

Quickie on the bonnet of a Ferrari

We are having a meal at our favourite restaurant; enjoying our time together. Atmosphere is very relaxed; we are sitting next to each other, holding hands and kissing from time to time. After the meal we leave to go back to the house. You’re driving your red Ferrari; I’m gently stroking your inner thigh knowing … Read more

Best Friends Become More

Best Friends Become More They saw “What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas” and Zoey argued the same theory while we were in Amsterdam. “Seriously Mia, stop being such a prude, you only live once.” I shook my head. “You got to be kidding me. You want to go to a nude beach?” “What else … Read more

Down on the farm_(3) by

There is very little sex in this story. The story talks about sex but it doesn’t go into the details that a lot of you want. Over 17,000 words; 34 pages long. I am not a farmer nor have I ever spent a single day working on a farm. Please don’t nit pic the details … Read more

Tenant Marie and Daughter Part 2

Tenant Marie and daughters. They had given John another pain killer and put him to bed. It was early so the girls went out to get clothes for morning. Marie stayed to watch John. She went into the bedroom and looked at the man that had probably saved her life and was hurt because of … Read more

Chili, Booze, Nightmares, and the Girl Next Door

JackassTales…Tale #70…Calling All Writers story #13…As many know, I am a writer of mostly young, incest tales. Here I depart from usual and write about monsters, nightmares, horror, and the horrible. Yet, not all is beastly. I have thrown in a bit of humor and romance. Oh yeah, and quite a bit of sex. Be … Read more