Sweet Dreams Part 5 – Strengthening The Home Front

Chapter #1 – Breakdowns and Warmups Brandon looked at Jeannette. He wasn’t quite sure what to say. They had been attempting to redirect the attentions of Sandy, a girl whose fantasies they had made a reality. They had first let her watch them have sex in the changing room of the store she worked at … Read more

Vengeance 7

At Drew’s grad party, Ellie was enveloped into my invisible bubble. Almost no one took notice of us, and those that did, Ellie’s former friends, stayed far away. We sat together in a corner of his basement, resting, taking a break from the past few days. Ellie’s parents had returned to her house giving us … Read more

I missed Jenny so much

OK. Stop Here. Look this isn’t a story completely revolving around sex everything. This is a story about romance and finding that romance even when you least expect it. Feel free to comment about your views. Both negative and positive comments will be read by me. Short Description of myself and my friends: Me: Names … Read more


1 Clan Plan “Jeff, why don’t you gather some wood for a bonfire.” “Yeah, Dad, let’s roast marshmallows.” … From inside, Sean and Rachel watch Jeff start the fire under the star-brightened sky. “Sean, all I do at home these days is sleep.” “Yeah Rachel. You and Jeff seem to hang out here all the … Read more

Christmas Angel

Gabriel: I awoke in a hospital room to sunlight dancing on the sleeping form of my angel in the chair by my bed. Her long unbound hair shone like a heavenly halo as it caressed her neck and shoulders. Peaceful and innocent in her slumber, Amy’s deep contented breathing was a comfort to me knowing … Read more

the tree

It was a normal day. (as always i was getting picked on for being kinda cubby but i never let that get me down it was just a flaw i keeped telling my self i asked girls out and they always turned me down.) i was up in a tree in the forest i could … Read more

COUSINS –OUR STORY – Chapter 1revised

COUSINS – our story – Chapter 1 BACKGROUND TO OUR STORY………. Romance, incest, male/ female, softcore This story is a biography, based on fact (as best as I can remember – events that were unexpected, special and unforgettable) with interwoven fiction. It covers a number of years BACKGROUND TO OUR STORY………. It was 1992 when … Read more

My Night in Room 303

I’d heard a lot of stories about The Omni Parker House in Boston. All of them claiming it to be haunted. Now don’t get me wrong, I believed ghosts were possible. But I didn’t believe in all those TV shows. But I was finally going to get to do my own investigation. I stood outside … Read more

Cindy’s Imaginary Friend – An Incubus Story

This is not your typical incubus story. But then, this story did not come about in a typical way. I normally see a story in my mind, flesh it out as it plays through my mind several times, and then write it out. This story would not do that. It remained jumbled and kept going … Read more

The Ten of Them: Chapter 19

In our last chapter, JJ did help Ron and Reese to become multimillionaires, they just needed to complete the sale. Misty and Marshall are going to take over the classes with Kathryn helping, on the day JJ return to school as an assistant teacher. He did this to continue giving the self-defense classes. JJ felt … Read more

Web of lies -draco malfoy fanfiction :P

Bella Blythe was left at home again , Lucius was attending too business in Paris and would be gone for the next two weeks. And that Prude Narcissa was out shopping, not even bothering to invite her ward. There Handsome son was out in the gardens today but Bella didn’t have the patience to trudge … Read more

Rey’s Isolation

The air sizzled from the electric jolt as Rey flinched and recoiled her hand. The exposed vaporizer circuit board was still charged despite its shorted fuse. She cursed under her breath as she wrapped her hand in a piece of loose cloth from her robes. “I can see why you wanted to get away from … Read more