Housewife’s fantasy I

Have you ever been standing at the sink wishing that someone would come up behind you and that their need for you would be so evident that you’d want nothing more than to give in? Only to have them torture you, play with you, until you feel as if you’re going to burst? If so, … Read more

Holes 2

Cindy was sitting at her desk doing homework, already dressed for bed. She heard a knock at her door and took her time going to open in. She was more than a little confused when she saw Jaden standing in her doorway. She tried to shut the door but he put his body in the … Read more

The Danielle Debauchery

It was approaching the summer holidays and I’d bought my first mobile phone, a Nokia 3310. Aside from playing Snake during breaks, it really didn’t get a whole lot of use. Hardly surprising as the only people I was likely to want to talk with were all sitting next to me in school throughout the … Read more

The girl of my dreams_(0)

Hey people this is my first story, so please be easy on me.English is not my first language, and I used British English while writing this one so there might be some spelling mistakes according to you folks in USA…Plus if you got any suggestions about the plot please feel free to contact me………and don’t … Read more

Rianimazione – Chapter 1

Rianimazione Chapter 1 I sighed, as I slumped back into my chair. It’s the same thing every day; I go to school, go to class, walk home, and spend the night in my basement, until I can gather the energy to drag myself back to bed. And then, I lie there, and ponder why my … Read more

Winter Together

Winter. I watch as the snow falls softly, gently on the pine trees, but weighing them down with the white coat of winter. I stare from the porch, as it blankets the hills and valleys, covering every foot of land between the snow-capped mountains in the distance and the cabin we rented for a weekend … Read more

Can a demon love?

Can a demon love? – Story by MISTER BIG T One of my more serious productions. I blame it all on the rainy days and the fact that my potatoes burnt leaving nasty smell all around apartment. Nevar forgat the potatoes =( There I stood, next to my mistress who sat on a throne made … Read more

Accidental Love

The ancient, dusty cobweb expanded as the warm air tugged at its weakened skeletal fabric. A rumbling swelled within the confines of the underground station; a roaring sound interspersed with the ‘clickety clack’ of steel wheels hammering on a steel track. Like a bullet from a gun the train burst from the dark tunnel. A … Read more

The Librarian – Part 6

Tears still running down his face, Daniel slowly walked up to Peter. “I’m not a liar, but I did break my promise. Please forgive me for that,” he quietly asked, barely looking at him. Too much was happening at once, and his mind was almost numb. “Cheating bitch,” Peter hissed, the anger and jealousy evident … Read more


39 HEAL DEAL “Hi Alex, this is Sean” Timidly, “Hi Sean.” “Logan’s parents agreed to a meeting tonight.” “OK.” “You really don’t wanna do this, do you.” “I do, but, well you know.” “There’s one stipulation.” “What do you mean?” “They don’t want any touching between you and Logan, not even a handshake.” “Sounds good.” … Read more


we’ve both looked forward this this night all week, me being on nights an you being on long days, we’ve really not seen each other, other than a quick hello/goodbye as we pass in the evenings. you leaving for work before i return in the mornings an me heading out to work as you get … Read more

Last 10 Seconds

I wrote this story back in 1987 (when I was 22) it was suggested I should write a story about one of my biggest fears. Note that this was written several years before marriage and kids. Last 10 Seconds It’s June 15th in a small bar somewhere in Indianapolis, Greg Smith is sitting mumbling that … Read more

An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 10

Welcome back, readers! I know I left you with quite the cliffhanger in the last chapter, so I tried to get this one out pretty quickly. Just so you know, this chapter is very light on sex, being more focused on story development from the aforementioned cliffhanger. Please enjoy! Ch. 10 song titles For Unto … Read more