My wife and her friend part 1

Chapter 1: Friday night “She’s going to be here soon, so hurry up.” My wife’s voice echoed down the hallway towards the open bathroom door. As I stood in the shower, rinsing the soap off my body. The hot water soothing my stiff muscles from a hard day’s work. A nice hot shower after a … Read more

A high school love story pt. 2.5

That night when I got home. I texted Abbey. “Hey Abbey” I said. I let the phone sit as I went to sit at my computer desk. I had already changed out of my swimsuit, and was now wearing a T-shirt, and pajama pants. I logged into my computer and pulled up a web browser. … Read more

Protective Husband Four Loves part 1

Protective Husband Four Loves part 1 I can hardly believe what’s all just happen sense last Friday. This last six days has been the most eventful in my entire life. I finally reunited with Jewels after nearly fifteen years. Jewels brought with her my two daughters, Little Bobby and Morgan. Jewels insisted on me becoming … Read more


[b]7 GRAY DAY Jeff goes to Sean’s house after school. Sean’s not very talkative. “What’s wrong Sean!? You look really depressed.” “Nothing.” “What do you mean nothing!? Tell me.” “Big fight with the woman of my dreams.” Shocked, with compassion, “Ohhhh.” Then a brainstorm, “So you can go to the beach with us tomorrow!” Annoyed, … Read more

I’m In Love With Twin Vampires

It was a chilly November evening. I walked down the sidewalk of the city streets at twilight, somewhat oblivious to what was going on around me. Frankly, I didn’t care what anyone else was doing. Hell, like there was anything to give a shit about. Life really sucked ass for me. For the past five … Read more

A night that i will never forget

Friday 16th January 2015 I watched eagerly as the clock slowly ticked by waiting for that ever sweet noise of the bell ringing to signal for me to go home and start the weekend. English was my last lesson on this blustery Friday afternoon. Although I hated my bitch of an English teacher the class … Read more

Agatha Allbut & The Bimbo Squad Ch 02 Agatha Starts College

Agatha arrived on campus a day late, missing orientation. She ended up going to a state school because Bryn Mawr gave away her spot when she missed the deadline for tuition payments while dealing with her inheritance and trying to cope with the loss of her beloved Grandparents. Pinto, the retired Magazine editor, and her … Read more

Chuck’s Chicago Assignment III

The next week at the site was a very busy one. The equipment was beginning to arrive and be installed into the structure that had been erected over the first several weeks of the contract. Brenda and Chuck maintained a very professional relationship at the plant, occasionally stealing a kiss or copping a feel as … Read more


Franz Kafka had a great influence on writing and literature in the 20th century. Even today, strange and/or creepy stories are called Kafkaesque. In his novella “Die Verwandlung” (usually translated into English as “Metamorphosis”) a man slowly turns into a cockroach. In my version of Metamorphosis, I go one up on Kafka. Not only does … Read more

A Second Chance

A Second Chance It was a beautiful Midwest fall day. The sky was a deep blue, a deeper blue than usual. There was a chill in the air, a hint of the coming winter. The fall leaves were brilliant with their reds and oranges. Once upon a time, it used to be my favorite time … Read more

A Night Together by

Our night starts out really nice for us as the children go to bed early, and you start to wash the dishes as I sneak away to the bedroom to ignite some surprises and cover up with some others. I hear you washing the dishes as I light candles and strip buck naked eager to … Read more

MILF – 3

… I watched her walk up the walk-way toward the Hotel…she seemed nervous so I decided to meet her half way. A man meeting a woman half way, how un-male-like I thought…and smiled. She didn’t see me at first so I said hello load enough for her to hear. It startled her…much to our mutual … Read more

13] Evening Train

EVENING TRAIN. As usual the line at the ticket counter was quite long. But today I was not in the bored and jaded mood that had become my normal reaction to this daily event. Reaching the station and getting a ticket for my ride home every day, had soon palled and had become a somewhat … Read more

My prince charming

This starts out slow but does get better, so if you’re just interested in the sex then skip down a bit. This is how I wish things would of turned out but I’m realistic enought to know if we hooked up it would be all bout the sex and nothing more. Either way, Ethan is … Read more

Becky’s Marine part 1

The world was swimming around me. The force of the blast had blurred my vision and I could hear bells ringing. As I climbed out of the wrecked humvee, all I could see was smoke and dust. I heard the screaming of my fellow Marines and was about to begin searching for the source of … Read more