Mutual Benefits – Chapters 11-15

Chapter Eleven It was a miracle that the memories of that second date didn’t make me fail all of my finals. School should have been the first thing on my mind, but it came at a distant second place, after Morgan, and the time we got to share together at the movie theater. Any time … Read more

Reapers 7

7 Anisa sits up, looking around the small room she’s found herself in, a bed the only piece of furniture, no windows and only one door. She wonders what could have happened on her wedding day, why she was there, and most importantly where was Shan “Sleeping beauty awakes.”   Shan walks in, looking exhausted, … Read more

Just For A Day Part One

Just for a Day Part One Chapter One Another car was speeding past when I opened my eyes again. I pulled up my wrist to check the time. Nearly one in the morning. I felt the bus shake a bit as we drove over what must have been a small rock. Everyone around me was … Read more

C4 – Serendipity Pass – One Road Leads To Another / Final Edit

Serendipity Pass Chapter 4 : One Road Leads To Another We relinquished ourselves to quieter intimacies, as our bodies puzzled together in a post orgasmic paralysis. The heat had built up around us like an eiderdown. Snug and cozy against the chill of the night outside. The rain had stopped. I don’t know when. But … Read more

The Test

The test – Part 1: Introduction to the scene It began like any other day. As always Master untied and released me from my confines that secured my to the floor beside his bed, as he woke so I could relieve my bladder and shower before my day ahead. I took my leather collar from … Read more

The babysitter returns

Her name was Daphne, and she was easily the hottest girl he had ever seen, including the multitude of groupies whom had thrown themselves at him during his brief career as a professional football player. The never-ending stream of pussies had dried up like a thin trickle of water in the desert after the car … Read more

The Show_(0)

After getting all the kids to bed you join me in the bedroom. I put down my book and you give me a sexy smile. You slowly take off your shirt, revealing your beautiful breasts. I sit up and move toward you but you motion for me to stop. I lay back and enjoy the … Read more

A Wedding_(2)

A Wedding In the next century but one, when the Earth’s atmosphere has become poluted beyond imagination, in an ordinary City of three thousand residents Krista wakes on the morning of her wedding day. Kriska woke with the first light of dawn, the excitement already bubbling within her, her heart pounded as she pinched herself … Read more

Spring Break: Part 2

DAY 3: __________ 3:19 AM My eyes fluttered slowly open, still heavy with sleep, as two rough hands toyed with my breasts. For a moment, I was disoriented – after all, I was naked, in Eric’s bed, in the dark, and I was being groped shamefully. And then the memories of the night before filled … Read more

A Duet upon a Balcony

(Him) You stand at the open balcony, the wind billowing the drapes around you, covering you in a silver river for but a moment. You hear me approach behind you in the dark, but by the time you turn your head my lips are at your neck, asserting my pent up lust. Your hands slide … Read more

Metagame: A Series of League of Legends Shorts_(1)

Luxanna Crownguard sat at her large oaken desk, scribbling away in a notebook. She placed her pen down on the desk and scratched her chin. Leona’s going to be here soon. She closed the notebook, placed it in the corner of her desk, and stood up. The young girl was still in her pajamas from … Read more

Ranchland – Chapter 6

Ranchland – Chapter 6 Summer’s are short in western Alberta, and this one had been no exception. By the end of September, the leaves had changed colour, then fallen, and the air had turned nippy and cold. By the end of October, the threat of snow was real and inevitable. The four men, Ben Calhoun, … Read more

Adjusting to a New Life – Prolouge

Prolouge Specialist John Smith, of the US Army, stood and listened to the briefing him, and his squad was receiving. They were tasked with capturing a High Value Target, or HVT. The Colonel was still going over the details of the mission with them. “We have received Intel that the target is located in a … Read more