Death By Fucking Ch. 02

My life has been in a bit of a rut lately, if lately can be construed to mean three years. I travel, work, eat, sleep. Those are the four basic components of my life. I know that there should be more than that, but I made my bed, so to speak, and must sleep in … Read more

Sis Comes Home for Memorial Day Part IV

I woke up Sunday morning, wondering if it had all been a dream. As I walked to the bathroom, I saw the tuxedo hanging in the closet and knew it was for real. We never discussed what time things would get started. I thought I’d wait an hour before calling. In the meantime I thought … Read more

Boy meets Girl (Part 1)

Boy meets girl, Girl meets boy Its been almost 2 weeks since me and my mom moved into our new house. Things have been going pretty well so far, I can’t really complain. I met some new people in the area that seem pretty cool,but only one in specific caught my attention. His name is … Read more

I Had No Choice, Book V, Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Lisa Twelve-ninety! I just started at the cold computer printout paper I’d gotten in the mail with shock and horror creeping into my core. I’d studied so long and hard; how could I get so low? I’d studied so long and hard. I knew I wasn’t a genius so had no delusions about … Read more

In The Year 2149

What is it about the loins of an eleven year old female, that make her curves the most beautiful shapes possible in the entire universe? My niece, my sweetheart, my lover, is eleven, and always will be. Candy was 17 when I first met her, and is now 22. And she loves me so much … Read more

Dayner & Jake

Jake is a very sensitive person, he noticed straight away that I was having a very hard time so he rented a place near my campus so that I could at least come home to him after a long day of studying. It was honestly the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me … Read more

Love for the Game

My childhood was a constant struggle of up and downs, being anything but ordinary. Never meeting my father who had left my mother and I, and my mother who was my whole world, died of cancer when I was only five years old. At the age of five, with nobody willing to take me into … Read more

to tell you the truth.

To start this story im going to tell you bout me.first of im Patrick Mannings When i was younger my family life was nothing but transparent. right now my stats that almost anyone can see and if they were a doctor could check, i am 5’8 im quite athletic but still carry some weight. Well … Read more

Thawing Miss Pentland

It was the summer of 1899. The sun streamed through the drawing room windows, the perfectly mown lawns stretched down to the lake. The birds sang, everything was perfection. But the summer was ending and my daughter Auguste was sixteen and about to go to Switzerland to finish her education. This left her governess Miss … Read more

Crazy Ass Life Ch. 1

Crazy Ass Life Ch.1 I love the peacefulness of a cemetery. Especially at night, I was reading all the names on the headstones as me and my friends walked. Jimmy Scribbner, Zach Stepnezki, Allen Lucarrio. “Earth to Cody, you want this or what?” Ally asked me. “huh..oh…ya.” I said taking the pipe. I took a … Read more


I woke up in an unfamiliar place, naked. As I opened my eyes, I could see nothing but darkness. The lights were turned off, off course. I had a headache, intoxication. Although I was warm and under some covers, I could feel the cold breath of someone behind me, on my neck. I got goosebumps … Read more

New Roommate 5

it had been a couple of weeks since the incident and my bruises have all but gone and my ribs don’t ache anymore, so I can go back to the minx club and get working again. I was really looking forward to working again, but the boys have taken it to become my new bodyguards … Read more

My Moms Best Friend

This story is pure fantasy, I made it up as I went along. Enjoy! My moms friends name is Kate and she is one beautiful woman. She was 42 (younger then my mom) and had the nicest set of tits I could imagine of. Big, round, a handful. Her ass was amazing too (I’d only … Read more