Give it a shot pt. 2

A month has passed since the beginning of the sexual relationship between Danny and I. We decided to keep it a secret between ourselves. I was happy with Danny. In fact at that moment I had never been happier. But there was one thing missing. Danny and I never had anal sex. So far Danny … Read more

Romance in the forest!

The sound of the gravel crunching underneath my tires as I turn off the highway and onto the little unpaved road is unnerving but welcome. Welcome, because the road will take me to where my heart is. She is only a short distance away now and I cannot wait to be there, in her arms. … Read more


The Year Eight Donnie’s Story People in this country must think our family life revolves around sex, which is patently ridiculous. These magazine articles have only added fuel to the fire. First there was that hilarious Playboy article with the twin centerfolds. Then Cosmo comes out and suddenly my and Deirdre’s naked asses are prominently … Read more

Beautiful Niece Kaylee Ch.3

I have changed the age of my Niece to be compliant with the rules. This also throws off all future timelines. I apologize for any confusion, however I hope you will understand. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 3 I awoke at the sound of footsteps outside my bedroom door. From the light coming through the window I could … Read more

The Reunion-Part I

The wind tossed Kim’s curly red hair about and into her eyes as she stood in the parking lot anxiously awaiting the arrival of the bus. The bus that she had been waiting to come for 15 months. The bus that carried her husband back from across the world to her arms. She could not … Read more

CAW – Just One

He sat at his window watching the quiet street. She would be by any minute. He watched her every day; twice a day, once in the morning and again in the afternoon. He did not know where she came from or where she went each day. She didn’t look up at him, she just walked … Read more

The unforgettable girl at the party (prequel)

A couple of years have passed since my brother got married. His now has a family of three and lives a nice quiet life. I was 25 at the time and he was 27. He got married to his wife last September and is the happiest man I know. When I went to go meet … Read more

Lost In The Wilderness

Fbailey story number 334 Lost In The Wilderness I was dumb enough to sign up for a wilderness survival course one summer. Being a school teacher I get the whole summer off each year and I try to broaden my experiences each year. I have done some dumb things in the past but this may … Read more


BACKGROUND TO OUR STORY………. It was 1992 when my family moved to live close by to my cousin Lila, who was about the same age. My name is Jonathon but my family has always called me Johnny. Our mothers are sisters. Lila’s mother is about one year older than my mother. Lila and I are … Read more

wolves in the forrest part 1

My name was Samantha, but my close friends called me Ama. Not sure how it started, because I didn’t start it but one of my friends did back in junior high and it stuck. Anyways, I’m Ama and I have a story to tell. See, right now I’m basking in the moonlight, in the middle … Read more

Help wanted part 5

“That we develop six or eight patterns and use them over and over. Butt two together if it has to make a larger piece. Put three or more together if it needs to be larger still.” “Hey Doug, this is why I go to you.” “When do you need drawings?” “End of week?” he was … Read more

Desicions, decisions 2

Charlie got to the school a couple of hours early. He was hoping to find Jacinta without Jeremy always tagging along. He walked towards the big blue building and saw some people eating outside and in the foyer. He stepped into the theatre and looked around a little looking for her. ” Excuse me” a … Read more

My Brother’s Genie – Chapter 06

It was midday on the 1st of May 1519. At the Château du Clos Lucé in Amboise, France, a girl watched as a priest left, having taken confession from the infirm man who lay inside. As she saw him leave, the girl walked back in, not having been permitted to be present as it went … Read more

Asian Girlfriends 1: Home Alone with the Indonesian Girl

I visited my new Indonesian girlfriend one Friday afternoon when I had the day off work. She had just had a shower. We had not progressed beyond kissing and touching but today was going to be different. She told me that her brother, whom she lived with, was out at university and won’t be back … Read more


The Year 13 Deirdre’s Story: I had to go into town to pick up something at the drugstore, so I grabbed Emma to go along for the ride. We have a rule in our house: no parent goes anywhere without being accompanied by an eKid. There have been rumblings over the years about us. We’ve … Read more

Sis Comes Home For Memorial Day – Part III

When I woke up Saturday morning, I found I was alone in bed. I glanced around the apartment and did not see Melissa anywhere. Then I spotted a note on the nightstand. “Went out for a morning run. Shouldn’t be long. Love you… Melissa.” I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I … Read more

A rookie’s folly(formerly called the huntress)

The young huntress wandered the forest early in the morning, the low mists of the dawn havign not yet burned off. Silently she made her way through the dense foliage, searching for her prey. She kistened intently, straining her senses to hte max to pick up any signs of the creature she sought. She had … Read more