CHAPTER 6 It was late afternoon before we were back home. We stopped by the store, both to check out how things had gone in our absence and to see the progress on our new building. It was amazing how quickly the construction had progressed. Once the footings and concrete floor had been poured it … Read more


CHAPTER 8 My research at the library showed absolutely no trace of Reliable. There were plenty of companies called Reliable—boilers, plumbers, concrete, locksmiths and so on, but nothing in title or mortgage insurance. I went to the office, checked on my staff and returned to Jonathan Nash’s agency. I spent the rest of the morning … Read more

Lad and Me at Christmas

You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear voices singing, “Let’s be jolly, pack my ass with border collie…” We live “out here on the edge of the prairie,” as the guy on the radio used to say, and when the wind comes rushing down the plain this time of year, there is no … Read more

The Nerd – Part 3

Chapter 1 We fell asleep holding each other lip to lip. We woke up in exactly the same position, except that Morgan was gently licking my lips, her leg over my hip. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” she said softly. I opened my eyes, slid my free arm up from her waist to her neck, gently pulling … Read more


“Driving Miss Daisy” >>>>>> I first met Daisy while a graduate student in college. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that she met me as she was the dominant driving force through most of our relationship. You see, I was a nerd, still am for that matter. I wasn’t ugly or fat, or … Read more

Apocaliptic Lovers Mann

Apocalyptic Lovers It was a beautiful spring day in Atlanta, Georgia. The sun was out, a few puffy clouds were drifting by in the heavens, the temperature was warm, and a light breeze was blowing. It was too perfect a day to think of the disaster looming in the near future. That impending disaster was … Read more

I am a Fugitive from Another Galaxy–4-Finale

CHAPTER 11 We drove swiftly but safely into the city. I could tell that this had been well coordinated. Police officers stopped traffic at every intersection as we flew past stopped cars en route to the White House. We were checked by Secret Service agents several times until we were met by General Tobin and … Read more