Grandma Amazing at 70 Part 4

In the first chapter, a movie night for old time sake turned into a sensual exploration of our senses. We fell in love with each other in a whole new way. In the second chapter, Grandma promised to be my birthday present and the main event started following immense anticipations. My first penetration inside her … Read more

Grandma Amazing at 70 Part 3 Complete

In the first chapter, a movie night for old time sake turned into a sensual exploration of our senses. We fell in love with each other in a whole new way. In the second chapter, Grandma promised to be my birthday present and the main event started following immense anticipations. My first penetration inside her … Read more

The Prophecy Ch. 7

The Prophecy Ch. 7 This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in … Read more

The Chauffeur (#16) And So It Begins_(2) DIABLO

The Chauffeur (#16) And So It Begins By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Fred was taking us to his Italian restaurant for a nice meal. Jill, of course, still topped on my mind. Although I’m not a religious person, I have my beliefs in God and one of them has to do with ‘you … Read more

Little Sister’s Dilemma – Part II

Little Sister’s Dilemma – Part II In the morning at breakfast, I sat at the kitchen table, absent-mindedly remembering the magic of the previous and fateful afternoon. Mom puttered around the stove, bouncing between there and the sink, busy doing something that kept her occupied, and out of my hair. Most mornings, she’d have some … Read more

My VIRGIN Highschool Sweetheart (part 3)

After a week I became desperate and waited outside her last class. When she saw me she smiled sweetly. Before I could start she said: ‘want to get together tonight?’  Wow! ‘Of course, I missed you!’  We went for dinner and studied in the library.  My mind was all about what should I do tonight.  … Read more

Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 4

Cold drops of rain began to patter on the nearby pavement as Sarah and the rest of the group continued to creep through abandoned yards and streets, trying to put as much distance between themselves and the creatures raiding their previous home. They all came to a stop behind some shrubs along the yard of … Read more

Wartime Comfort House Diary – Day 5

To my surprise, the sad looking Comfort House was completely decorated for a wealthy Chinese wedding. The solders guarding the compound and the entrances all had new uniforms. Miss Yamaha, dressed in traditional Kimono, was already waiting at the entrance. ‘Congratulations General Tanaka! Welcome to your local wedding! According to your command, I have informed … Read more

Tommy and His Mommy

Mom’s a dream, a real treasure. I’d gotten in a day earlier than expected and she was out. I’d driven through the night and wanted to get a little exercise in; I was stiff from the drive. Thought I’d swim a few laps then maybe take a nap. So I was in the pool when … Read more

Wartime Comfort House Diary – Day 6

Then Miss Yamaha walked in, fully dressed in traditional kimono. ‘Good morning General, hope you slept well. I did.’ Her sweet smile told me she was content. ‘Your breakfast is ready, would you like your new wife to join you?’ ‘Good idea, Miss Yamaha. I want to leave her with you for now so she … Read more

Grandma Amazing at 70

I hired a full time home maker when she was released from the hospital, but that still left her unattended at night and the weekends. Being right handed, Grandma struggled with daily functions using her left side. Since both of us lived alone, I committed to take care of her because she raised me since … Read more

My VIRGIN Highschool Sweetheart

She did not notice me since she stuck around kids in her classes and those from the same culture. I unfortunately was not in her classes. Then I found that she joined a school club so that was my opportunity! Graduation Ball By now we have been spending a lot time together and sometime spending … Read more