wolves in the forrest part 2

Once fed I felt better, and nuzzled Kaela in thanks. We moved off again when cramps hit me. I laid down in the snow, whimpering at the pains of the cramps. Not now! No, it can’t be now, I hadn’t found Black yet, or the pack. I couldn’t birth the pups here in the snow! … Read more

Outdoor Sex

Hello my Brothers of all colors. This information will benefit you and your wife or girlfriend It’s about foreplay on the outside leading to hot heavy sex in the bedroom,Now think about it when some men act to macho and non romantic this tends to make the woman mad,and then the men have the nerve … Read more

Oh, to find her now

I looked into the mirror and saw the eyes of a dying man. I was 24 years old, a young man now ascending to his prime and I was going to die. Why, you may ask am I going to die, well it is called HIV precursor to the AIDS virus and the reason why … Read more

Dead man’s pearl (chapters1-5)

Chapter 1) The mayor was puffed up and pompous, and had it not been for the circumstances it might even have been funny. He cleared his throat importantly and read their names, as it was customary. This formality was hardly needed and their names were surely no secret. Still he made and impressive ceremony of … Read more


she was layinq down on my bed. Abby always looked so hot in her spaqhetti strap and short shorts for pajamas. I knew what I wanted. and what I wanted was to be inside her. not for a booty call, but because marriaqe is just a piece of paper I want to make love to … Read more

Aunt Jean_(0)

Mortified. If Ron had thought of the word he might have used it to describe how he felt at the moment — so embarrassed and so angry at himself that he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He had been so freakin’ stupid! She said she was going to the grocery … Read more

Friday Nights 1: Rekindling Love

It’s Friday night. The football game is over. Everyone is racing to their cars. Ryan has got other plans. He walks down the bleachers, first checking up with Kolby, his close friend that is a cheerleader. “You headed to the barn?” “Sure am.” Ryan heads over to the huddle of football players, not before watching … Read more

Being Cerberus sometimes really bites

You know getting stabbed really bites when the pain you feel doesn’t feel even a quarter what that pain should be, but you have to act like your in agony and then “die”. But I guess obviously they didn’t know I was “Cerberus the ancient gate guardian of hell” or “Cerberus the powerful door guard … Read more

Desert Party

This is a little, ‘An they lived happily ever after’ thing I wrote. The days riding had been fantastic. I could not get enough. Fast and flat out across the desert then tight scary trails close to the cliffs. Total sensory overload. The party is getting good too. Lots of ice cold beer, some wine … Read more

The Death of Sandra with the big nipple brassiere

The birds woke Sandra that morning. It was a warm dewy Midwestern spring morn and the nest of the hungry robin red breast was a flutter early to catch the worms that would give them succor. Sandra reached for her pink gingham patterned form fitting contoured big nipple brassiere with lightly lined stretch foam cups … Read more

Shadows in the Storm- Part 4 of 5: Corrine and Sharon Find Each Other

Next they went to visit Bill’s family in Iowa. When he went to visit his mom, Bill found Dorothy Johnstone and Karen Simpson having a friendly visit in the garden taking in the warm Sunday afternoon sunshine. The four of them, Karen, Dorothy, Sharon, and Bill, went to lunch and Dorothy remembered how much Bill … Read more

A Present for Momma_(1)

“A PRESENT FOR MOMMA” CHAPTER TWO: People at the home health office began to notice the same kind of changes going on with Momma that I first noticed when she told me about Johnny. Even though she was always fun to be around, they knew the torment that my father had put her through. They … Read more