MILF Maker: Ch 2

“Give it to me! Give it!” Marnie screamed, throwing herself at the door once more as Milo tried in vain to get some studying in. Things had calmed down for a bit after Julia had attacked him, it always seemed that way after a woman had succumbed to his curse. They’d get what they wanted … Read more


Ava stared at her dimly lit ceiling, bored. The TV in the corner droned on, some kind of late night infomercial begging her to call in right now and buy a new charcoal grill, and the sound of the filter in her fishtank burbling just loud enough to be annoying. The teenager sighed and rolled … Read more

My Photogenic Mom 13 (corrected)

13 Harold woke up with Karen’s ass pressed tight against his stomach. He tried to get out of bed without waking Karen so that he could get a shower. Standing in the bathroom looking at her he realized that Karen was almost everything he wanted in a woman. She was bright pretty and sexy. Most … Read more

Siblings can’t be Separated

We always got along well from the beginning; Sabrina, Kasey, and me. Sabrina was my older sister by a year; she has long beautiful blonde hair which fell over her shoulders. She had the piercing green eyes like the rest of our family. Even though we would occasionally get into petite arguments, we had a … Read more

Staying close to my sister (and mom) part 3

The doorbell chimed loudly as I sat in the living room, accompanied by Mom and Elizabeth. Usually, we’d be fucking like animals right about now, but we just sat, watching some bland TV show like a regular, boring family. We hadn’t talked much all day, instead each of us brooded gloomily. We dreaded what was … Read more

Being More Social – Chapters 11-15

**No age is mentioned in this story and for all we know all characters are 18 or above for the story.** I hope you enjoy! Chapter Eleven Granted, if one looked at it objectively, Nicole quitting Student Council wasn’t exactly horrific. If it wasn’t Nicole, I might have even labeled it ‘teen drama.’ Nevertheless I … Read more

The Berkeley Coed’s Assault

It was a sunny and already hot late May California weekday afternoon, like many ones before it she had experienced for the past 6 years. The final bell of Sather Tower at University of California, Berkley (UCB) had rung and she was on her way to her house she shared with longtime best friend, Kate. … Read more

Going Nova ch. 12: Back to School

The next day, Brie awoke. She groaned to herself, realizing that it was Monday; a new week, and a new day of classes. She tossed around in bed as she attempted to sleep through multiple hits of the snooze button. There under her blanket, the miserable girl resigned to block out the world for as … Read more

Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Ch. 1

“Everyone, please put your phones away so we can start today’s lecture. Yes, that means you, Arlo.” Professor Sarah Cassidy called out towards the black teen boy in a strained voice. He didn’t even seem to pay her any heed. Just what had gotten into her students this morning? Usually she could barely get them … Read more

Nurse Mom – Chapter 12 – Aunt Pam takes control over Mom

I woke up the next morning in a way I had never experienced before. I opened my eyes to the already bright bedroom, and I looked down to see my pregnant little playmate with my quickly stiffening member in her mouth. I looked over to my left to see my naked Mom (Nurse Kate as … Read more

Mom Caught Me pt. 5_(1)

Mom Caught Me pt. 5 Detention with Miss Hunter was always brutal. She had a very commanding presence in any situation and had absolutely no tolerance for horseplay. I quietly pretended to read something in my history textbook and prayed she would not begin interrogating me about being late to class. My prayers were not … Read more

Bully Revenge, Pt.6 – IT’S BACK!

(Hey gang, the very popular Bully Revenge series is back! Jordynn just cannot seem to learn her lesson, so Johnathan is going to have to teach her the humiliating hard way, so give it a read, and enjoy! ALL COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS ENCOURAGED!) If Jordynn thought she would get a break, she is totally wrong. … Read more


Foreword: Well, Marie did indeed write her story and it will be the next one I post. She actually completed it about a month ago, but I had to complete this story first so I could continue everything chronologically. Anyway, please enjoy and feel free to critique and/or comment. Thanks again for reading! Here we … Read more