The Passion Of Two Friends- Chapter 2

To my surprise, Rod began to slip his pants off. My heart started to race uncontrollably. He started to take his underwear off when he stopped and looked at me. “Ken, I need to jack-off. Please go downstairs.” “Come on man, we are best friends, just do it in front of me. I don’t mind.” … Read more


“Malia… Would you please focus on the task at hand?” asked my frustrated mother as she lifted a box from the truck and carried it into the new house. “Aren’t the movers going to do that?” I asked. “Yes. So get your tree and the two boxes that you have left for your room.” I … Read more

Force Fucked By The Cop

“Step out of the car please, ma’am.” Nicole was in deep shit. Moments earlier, her now ex-boyfriend dropped ship. Note to self, never date jobless pot smoking losers ever again, even if they’re fun and exciting at the time. Slowly, nervously, she wound down the window. “Is there a problem, officer?” Even though it was … Read more

Uncivilized Part One

The world had ended. Or civilization had anyway, everyone about the world kept living, if they had clung to life during the War Storms. However, now they lived differently, on instinct and the need to survive. Reduced back to global tribe mentality, where governments were unable to make a strong hold on more than thirty … Read more

The Terror of the Incubus

What is it about the night that amplifies our fears? Perhaps it is a primal instinct, born in a time when our ancestors huddled in caves for protection against noctural predators that posed a real and tangible threat to their very lives. Perhaps it is the darkness, a neutralizing of our primary sense that turns … Read more

Owned family – CH1: The Offer

This is my first story. I would appreciate constructive feedback. If I get good feedback Ill continue the story. Owned family CH1 – The Offer “Should we even go to their housewarming, we might not even be here a month from now?’ My wife, Laura, called from the bathroom where she was getting dressed. “Of … Read more

Letting the Neighbor In

Jamie knew she should not have let Mike, her neighbor, come inside her house, but he had just moved in next door and when he asked whether she had anything cold to drink (and the temperature was in the 90’s), she walked from the side yard into the house with him following. They chit-chatted for … Read more

I found my sister stripping Ch 7

Let me start by saying that there is a LOT more story in this chapter, and a bit less sex. For those after only the sex, I’m sorry, but I hope you like the 3-4 page sex scene that is in here. Also, there is no actual incest in this chapter, but it is referenced, … Read more

A Teacher Blackmailed Chapter 1

Tiffany Jones is a twenty two year old teacher who recently landed her first job. As she sat in her car outside Haven Meadows Secondary School, the same school that she attended when she herself was a student, Tiffany sighed and prepared for her career in teaching. Tiffany was lucky in that she recognised most … Read more


This story is a purely fictional tale. The author does not condone any of the actions portrayed by the characters within. Pandemic “Who is that?” her husband spoke loudly into the phone after hearing at least 10 hard pounding noises in the background disrupt their conversation. “There’s some Army guy at the door.” Jim heard … Read more

Mother’s Proxy_(0)

“Sweetheart, we need to talk, please come here and sit.” My mother patted the cushion of the sofa, she sounded serious. Until a few months earlier my mother was fresh, healthy, pretty and vibrant with laughter and a zest for live. But now she was anorexic thin and pale. She looked so tired she could … Read more

Sister Amelia pt 1

Sister Amelia Part 1 Everyone has pivotal moments where a decision taken irrevocably changes the course of one’s life, often these can only be identified with the benefit of hindsight but, Martha was in no doubt that such a moment had come. She sat alone in the long room, the interview panel of four nuns … Read more

The Landlord’s Pet_(1)

Bound, naked and being spitroasted by two cocks is not how I thought I would lose my virginity. I know what you’re thinking, I’m the idiot that got myself into this… Well.. Before you draw any conclusions, let me tell my side of the story first. I also need to state for the record that … Read more

Night of the Living Pussy

Finals week was fast approaching and Stephanie was locked in her bedroom, exam-cramming like every other student. Soon her high school days would be over and she would be off to medical school. She was very beautiful and considered the heartthrob of every guy in school, but her reputation for being a prude turned off … Read more