Eva and Father

Eva and Father A cold gust of night air blew into the house as Eva opened the door. Her long, red-brown hair whipped across her face as she stepped over the threshold and closed the door behind her. Basking in the warmth of her home, the eighteen-year-old shrugged off her coat and hung it in … Read more

Privileges Revoked – Chapter 1

Tom was nervous as he approached the tall building downtown. Just as he had at every other step of this journey, he hesitated at the door. Was this really the place? Why would such a rich place want him? And for the millionth time, he considered his few alternative options. He took a deep breath, … Read more

Katha pt.1 – A shitgirl must learn to live her secret desire

A few years after Janet and her family had moved away from our region, our school classes were re-arranged, and a number of students coming from smaller villages outside were put in because their former schools were closed. Among them was a sexy little girl named Katharina, but everyone including herself just called her Katha … Read more

The Family BBC – Chapter 4

I scooted over to the passenger side and wiped my face with the sleeve of my jacket. I had worn loose jeans with buttons in front and a sturdy belt looped through it. Under my sweater, I wore a tank top under a thick woolen shirt. The car’s air conditioner blasted on maximum. He slid … Read more

Archie Andrews gets Laid, ch 2

Midge wiped Archie’s sperm off her face, and sidled over to him. Archie was still sitting on the chair in the corner. He looked up at Midge who approached him slowly, and then seductively sat on his lap. Putting her arms around his neck, she slowly began to kiss him. Archie kissed her back, slowly … Read more

The Destruction of Jennifer – Chapter 01

This is the first in a series of stories that will see a beautiful, talented young woman, Jennifer, turned from a brilliant Wall Street executive into a helpless toy at the mercy of her wealthy, powerful and psychopathic boss. I anticipate that the stories will explore many dark themes, including blackmail, rape, humiliation, sadism, degradation, … Read more

Her Brother-In-Law’s Revenge

Her Brother-In-Law’s Revenge by rutger5 ( An original story-Copyright 2011 ) “I’m telling you sis I don’t know why you put up with his shit. You have the gold ring and you’re the mother of his kids so you don’t have to take it.” “It’s not that easy Kim. What you’ve said is true but … Read more

A Royal’s Lust

“Prince Allen, if you keep squeezing like this I won’t have any control of myself” My guard, Dominic huffed in my ear. I whined and pushed my ass back against him trying to feel his thick cock deeper which in turn made him groan and grip my hips tighter, he was trying to hold off … Read more

Subjects 0 – CH 4

————————————————————————————- STATUS REPORT: Further research into Diane’s family shows that she has a daughter and a son, both of consenting age. Diane looks surprisingly young to have kids this old. I am recommending her family as further test subjects. END STATUS REPORT. ————————————————————————————- Adam cursed silently as he left his English class. Miss Shelly had … Read more

Becky and the Beasts: Part 1

Part 1: Feeding the Dog  Becky kicked off her sneakers, ignoring them as they thudded into the wall. She closed the door behind her as she sat down on the edge of the bed, glancing into the full-length mirror. The girl stretched, reaching behind her head to release her long, straight platinum-blonde hair from the … Read more

Lucky dog Ch6: Video Gamer Girl

Lucky dog Ch6: Video Gamer Girl. Kelly was a video game fanatic. She lay on her stomach in her home with a controller in her hand staring up at the screen. She was playing a fat paced monster onslaught type game. Monsters were bum rushing her from every direction and she was taking them out … Read more

Becoming Father Michael Pt 2

Becoming Father Michael is a complete fantasy and any resemblance to anyone, or any location or convent is completely unintentional. ========================================================= Becoming Father Michael part 2 It was a wonderful night so it was, that first one at the Convent, I was allowed a candle so I could see to have a shower and then … Read more

A Normal Family? Chapter 1

It started off as a normal Saturday morning, I got up, had a wank and then got ready. But i noticed that the house was far too quiet. As i looked around i noticed that there was a faint squeaking upstairs, i went up there to investigate and found that the source of the noise … Read more

Rachel and the Veterinarian

It was time for Benson’s annual vet appointment. Rachel and Benson were admitted to an examination room and waited for the doctor to arrive. Rachel’s 2-year old great dane was larger than your average dog, but he was a gentle soul; a big teddy bear, like a real-life Marmaduke. A few minutes later Rachel and … Read more

Entrapped, Enslaved 11-13

Hey! Thanks for reading! I bring you the next few chapters. Things are getting a little bit rougher in these chapters. I would like to thank everybody who voted (positive or negative) as it really helps me know if I’m doing any good. I would especially like to thank those that commented. If you have … Read more

Getting Caught

He seemed to rise in anger, his figure becoming daunting, this once withdrawn man, now a huge beast. “So you think you’re a big man, fucking someone elses girl behind their back do you!?” He shouted, spit flying from his lips, he appeared to be almost frothing at the mouth like a rabid animal. “I’ll … Read more

Mr. Ben

My name is Ben. I work an accounting job out of my house. I have a beautiful wife, and two great sons. I live in a regular neighborhood, and I pay my taxes. I shop at the grocery store, watch movies at the local theatre, and I eat drive through fare. I am your average … Read more

Connie and Hyde

Lucy stared hard at Hyde when he suddenly announced that he had ordered pizza. He smiled back at her, once again taking in the lovely big brown eyes that were staring at him. Getting food in was of course against policy, but she resented the fact that the owner of this jeweller’s shop had a … Read more