Breaking the Cheerleader

Breaking the Cheerleader Jessica awoke in a daze. She blinked her blue eyes, trying to focus on any shape in the darkness as she struggled to remember where she was. There had been a party last night. She attended with one of the football players from her school. There were drinks and dancing and…nothing. “I … Read more

Dirty Little Slave

The sun rises slowly on the coast of Charleston, South Carolina. A dim but growing light slowly weaves its way through the open window of John Willington’s master bedroom as he wakes from his slumber. He quietly opens his eyes. Another day has begun on his immaculate plantation by the sea. Salty air drifts in … Read more

Quest for Cock Chapter 2: A Wolfe in the Headlights

The dreams I slumbered within was mindboggling, to say the least. The only things I could remember was that everything was vividly blurred, and I couldn’t stop hearing the echoes of whispers cascade around me. It felt like I was asleep for just a few minutes, but when my eyes finally opened, the rays of … Read more

Senior Year Pet – Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Making a Sex Slave That next day in class I sit at a desk alone again, and sure enough as Sarah walks through the door and sees me, she makes a b-line to sit beside me. Looking less confident then she has on Wednesday she says “Did you struggle that much on the … Read more

Owning Amaryllis part 3

“Mom, I’m home.” Carter didn’t know what to expect when he got home. Since morning, he had gotten alert after alert from the camera app he installed with his new camera setup. He had accidentally set it up on sentry-mode and left it in the main room; it sent him an alert as well as … Read more

Skunk Junkies

Allen and I had several things in common which drew us into friendship early in college. We were both from small towns and we fell somewhere between the labels of “dweebish” and “geekish”. Throw in a little “nerdish” and I think you get the idea. We weren’t bad looking. Just skinny and socially awkward, especially … Read more

Unholy Matrimony

“You look beautiful,” Queen Varda said as she finished braiding her daughter’s long, silky blonde hair into intricate patterns. The girl shook her head almost imperceptibly, but a mother can pick up on the most minute details. Also, she saw her roll her eyes in the mirror. Aranel did look absolutely stunning. Her eyes shone … Read more

The Queen, the Slave ch 1-4

Ch 1 An idea is the most powerful thing; stronger than the sharpest sword and more resilient than the deadliest virus. Nothing can stop an idea when combined with the strongest emotion. Desire. It was this combination that allowed Alec to enslave Diana, the Queen of the relm. The trumpet blared throughout the hall, signaling … Read more

Owning Amaryllis part 4

This time when Carter drove home, he noticed the mail truck as it turned out from his street towards him; he caught a glimpse of what looked like a smug, satisfied grin on the bastard’s face. It took a great amount of strength not to ram the mail truck off the road at that moment … Read more