The Great Dildo Wars

I gently close the door behind me. It is with goosebumps on my buttcheeks that I feel thirty-or-so smirks and twice as many eager eyes behind my head. The only thing more embarrassing than not wearing panties under a short pleated skirt is knowing everyone knows you’re not wearing panties under your short pleated skirt. … Read more

Stacia’s Rape

You are relaxing today nothing bout your tank and pj pants on. You remember the new white ankle socks you bought with baby pink toes and heels. You run and get them and put them on wiggling your toes feeling the puffy new cotton on your feet. You stroll around the house doing lose odds … Read more

Modern day Cinderella Pt. 1

A knock on the door. “Yeah?” Debra Benz opens up, pops her head in. “You wanted to see me Mr. McGovern.” “I did, come in. Close the door.” She obeys, steps inside a sits down. “You go right ahead and make yourself comfortable.” “Oh, sorry. Am I alright?” “Yeah, it’s fine; just ask in future, … Read more

Lydia’s Ordeal

It was just past one and Lydia was tired of the club scene. College guys had been hitting on her all night and she was tired of listening to their pathetic pick-up lines. She had danced with a few of them for fun, but she wanted nothing more from their raging egos. After all, this … Read more

Pregnancy Hangups, Ch. 02

Chapter 2 Amy felt terrible about making things worse for Jill and Don. Needing a pick-me-up, she opened her laptop, navigated to the email that she had sent Jill, downloaded the file, and watched it again. Afterwards, panting and flushed with arousal, she realized that she had, yet again, been hypnotized by the video without … Read more

Turning my best friend gay…PART 5

It’s been years since I promised the last part. I really don’t know why I’ve hesitated, but here it is. I’m so sorry for the wait. This one will be long…it is the last, and the best of my experiences with my best friend Mike. I couldn’t believe where Mike and I had started from … Read more

The Penis Mightier than the Sword

The Penis Mightier than the Sword? To mis quote Cardinal Richlieu. But it makes a interesting title. Many years ago when East ‘Virginia’ became ‘Virginia’ there was an administrative error and Maidstone County, East Virginia, was left off the list of counties in the new state. They only realised this when the old county records … Read more

Male Enhancement Pills and the Wife’s Sisters: Part I

CHAPTER 1 You love your wife, Jenny, more than anything in the world. You two were high school sweethearts, and your marriage in unusually functional, if not perfect. But you recently made a reasonably innocent decision that has opened up a Pandora’s Box of issues. In an attempt to add a little kink to the … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 13

Chapter Thirteen: Regrets “Stay in the car,” Rich ordered the girls as he got out of his truck and slammed the door. Angel watched him walk cautiously over to a dark van. The man who so rudely violated Angel at the club, was waiting for Rich next to the van. They talked for quite a … Read more

Dark Incarnate COMPLETE Book1 ch1-14 final draft

****spoiler****. She teams up with some unlikely new friends to try and learn just what is going on. All 166pgs of Book 1. I’ve got early chapters posted here but they were posted in rough draft and this is the final draft expect changes and manyxmany corrections. I included the main tags, one was was … Read more

A Planned Rape Turned Into Love. PT. 2

Since the night of the ‘sleepover’, It has been about 4 years, but just to catch you up on what happened. Remember when i put the two whore’s in the trunk and busted the lock on our neighbors car? Ok. Well our neighbors , Mr. And Mrs. Johnson were arrested due to numerous complaints of … Read more

Dental Nurse_(1)

Dental Nurse “Everything looks ok, so the nurse will be in in a minute to clean your teeth for you,” the dentist said as he finished poking around Jonathan’s teeth. Jonathan waits around reading the boring posters as he sits in the chair until he here’s the door open and a short nurse of about … Read more


“Barbie” He watched intensively as she motivated herself about the room; tennis had been in the family since the word go. Never did they dress like this in his days. “Granddad it has to be here, Grandma told me that she’d seen it only last night. Barbie always stayed with her grandparents for a couple … Read more

Cum-Control 1: Teaching Danni a Lesson

PLEASE READ: This story is entirely a work of fiction and fantasy. All characters involved in sexual encounters or tones in the story below are of the age of 18. At no point do I condone or encourage the behavior in the story as it is sexual assault. This story is only intended for your … Read more