Alien Sightings_(1)

Note to Readers: This is my first story. If you don’t like the story please don’t tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also … Read more

The Family BBC – Chapter 1

Chapter 1 George, my husband, asked for a divorce. I wasn’t able to hear him. I was yelling at Ridley. “You stole your sister’s shoes? They don’t even fit you?” “He sniffs them, Mom. I think he gets off on them.” “Hey, I don’t do anything to them!” My son shook both of the narrow, … Read more

Clarissa Morgen – Part 1

Clarissa Morgen was on the hunt. Her journalism career has been in a slump for almost 3 months and her editors have been bugging her non-stop to write a groundbreaking story. After a lot of exhausting all-nighters, she found a story that caught her attention. In recent weeks, several houses were broken in within the … Read more

Schoolgirl’s Dress Code Discipline

“Annabel Howard to the principal’s office. Ms. Howard, please come to the principal’s office. Thank you.” The crackly speaker clicked off, ending Mrs. Fisk’s monotone announcement. Annabel felt the eyes of her classmates on her. Her tummy knotted as heat began to rush into her arms, shoulder, and face—the telltale signs of her body growing … Read more

Overnight Transfer:

A while back I had to travel between two distant cities and I figured that getting an overnight bus; I would arrive in the morning and wouldn’t have to get a room for the night. Departure was around 21:30, a little before sunset, and by the time I arrive at the station the stippled clouds … Read more

My mother, my lover (p.2)_(0)

So um little warning, this part of my uh tale? I guess tale is right word, um is a little darker. Sorry but it’s true, not too dark just, I was going through many emotions the day after. I awoke the morning after feeling like I had slept for days. At first the night before … Read more

The Family BBC – Chapter 5

The smell inside was atrocious! I’d rather have been forced to have sex near an active garbage dump. Mold, old condoms, more piss than shit but not by much, all contributed to the stench in the Stadium’s ground floor. I was the only one who coughed. Leland handed a ten dollar bill to the clerk … Read more

From a D- to A+

Mr. Derrick walked around, handing people their report cards. Jessica waited patiently for hers, hoping for something at least a little above a D. When he handed her the report card, however, Jess’ heart sunk. She had a D. And not even a D+, a D-. Her parents were going to kill her! She groaned … Read more

The Dildock Virus Chapter 2

Laurel was impatient to get back to her apartment. Absently playing with tresses of her honey blonde hair, she peered out through the city bus window onto the rainy world outside. Any distraction was welcome if it could take her mind away from the pungent odor of the hot and sweaty construction workers that packed … Read more


They say that getting on the cheerleading squad can change your life … well, it certainly changed mine! I was just over sixteen, and a pretty cute little number if I say so myself. Not too tall, at 5 foot 4 inches, quite slim, but getting the curves that were getting the looks. I always … Read more

First Orgasm To First Fuck

I grew up with my mom, dad and 2 sisters. My parents were naturists, naturally my sisters and I were to. We grew up being naked all the time and there was never anything sexual about it. Whenever we went on holiday we used to always go to the same naturist resort, since we had … Read more

The Girl – Book 2 – Chapter 07

*spoiler*: A multi-part story that goes from rape, to consensual torture and slavery, with an happy ending. — “So. I was wandering …” — said Lilly looking at her friend, who was laying on Lilly’s bed — “how could I thank you for the last couple of weeks.” — “What happened in the last couple … Read more

Desire her or fear her, Part 01: Rejection and payback

————————————– Part 01: Rejection and payback. ————————————– Denise was relaxing at the pool, as she often did after her workout in the gym. She enjoyed a bit of peace and quiet, especially after spending half the day being visually raped by horny men, as she trained on different machines that made her all sweaty. Not … Read more

The Bounty Hunter 2

When you awoke the next morning, Nyajih was asleep on your right as Nakiti slept on your left on the floor of the cave. Nakiti couldn’t travel on foot after your butt loving action, so you decided to rest until the next morning. It was almost dawn and you want to head out as soon … Read more

In Peter’s Arms Ch.2

I sat on my bed, holding my phone, when I threw it across the room. THUNK When it hit the wall a shard of glass bounced back and sliced my foot “SHIT, AHH GOD THAT HURTS!” “TIA IM GOING TO THE STORE TO BUY SOME….TOYS.” I shivered. I hated when my dad bought toys. Usually … Read more

Pregnancy Hangups, Ch. 01

Author’s Note: This was my first story, and also my first creative writing attempt. I hope you enjoy it! This story is most heavily inspired by Greyscribbler’s fantastic Fair Share. If you have any feedback, comments, or questions,tandard disclaimer applies: this story contains graphic depictions of nonconsensual sex, so if it’s illegal or immoral for … Read more