The Unholy

Helga Cooper thought that she was much too busy these days. In fact she knew that she was. What with working with two separate dental offices, her volunteer services to the local junior school, plus her house and family to care for, she scarcely had a spare minute to herself anymore. Now to add to … Read more

Miss Brabbingers Downfall

Miss Brabbingers downfall. Lord Rothby looked disconsolately into his tankard of mead as the fool told the same old joke once more while the zither man slurped ale from his tankard and the Landlord at the Frothby Duck at Langley bemoaned that the Canal was now complete and his best customers the Navigators or Navvys … Read more

How to Have Sex with a Horse – Part 1: The Initiation

Barbie Lez used to be a famous journalist and world-renowned trend chaser. Now she is the world’s most talked about celebrity and the year’s highest-earning author. And the year isn’t even over. The beautiful 22-year-old’s incredible leap to worldwide stardom occurred quickly and without warning. Initially, the rumors claiming she was involved in the latest, … Read more

Neglected Niece pt 1

Madison stared at the long row of suburban houses stretched in front of him on the street as he drove his truck past dozens of cars parked anywhere from right up to the curb all the way to practically the middle of the road. He was not fond of this aspect of suburban life. He … Read more

Just to Get By II

Sunlight streaming through the window in the bedroom wakes me up. It’s directly on my eyes. Moaning I roll over in my sleeping bag and stuff my head under my pillow. A hand roughly shakes my shoulder and Tyler swipes the pillow from me. “Get up, Natalie! Don’t make me drive you to school again!” … Read more

I’m Being Blackmailed

All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over 18 when the events took place. Hi, my name’s Claire and I’m being blackmailed into being a slut. That’s very true but I guess that I should start at the beginning. I’m 19 and come from what I suppose you could call a … Read more

The Angel Next Door III

Okay, I’ve had some comments saying that they though I changed Josh and he’s way too cocky. Let me clear all those issues up. That’s Josh’s character. He’s cocky and you’ll just have to get to know the characters. Also, with the moving too fast thing, that’s just because I’m new to this and still … Read more

Crissy the stepmom

Things haven’t been real good for Crissy since she got remarried. Steve’s 17 yr old son Kevin, came to live with them shortly after they got married. That was the last thing Crissy wanted was an instant family. Kevin was always nice to Crissy when she and Steve were dating although she always felt like … Read more

Amanda’s Ordeal – Chapter 1_(1)

Kate and Amanda are both 18. Kate is 5’7” and Amanda is 5’4”. Kate has tan skin as well as dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. Amanda has a much lighter shade of skin and has blue eyes and blonde hair. Both are beautiful girls that many would envy. Anyways, now that that’s over, … Read more

Horny Little Women Pt6

After all the amazing things he’d witnessed and taken part in over the past few days, the start of Amy’s party turned out to be an anti-climax for young Matthew Ryder. After the initial introductions were made, he wasn’t inclined towards the small talk that prevailed among their little cliques. Heading off to the kitchen, … Read more

Night Skies_(0)

This is supposed to be the intro, but it depends of how much support I’ll receive to do the part two, because I’m brazilian and it is hard to write in english (btw special thx to qaz123qaz123 for helping me!). Please, forgive me if there’s still any grammar error. There’s still a theme that I … Read more