The Family BBC – Chapter 3

I fit my other shoe after parking in our double wide driveway. Climbing out, I was more collected but damaged worse than I realized. “Ridley! Peg!” I shouted entering the house. George must have been in such a hurry, he hadn’t locked the front door. “Hey, Mom, you’re back!” My son shouted from his room. … Read more

Darkness Inside

I wish you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing, and I hope you like it enough to let me a comment, ok? Special thanks to my friend Arizona1664 for checking it for me. ———————————————————————————————————————————————- Darkness Inside. I was born on a dark day. The day my loving mother ceased to exist. … Read more

An old Butler and his rich bitches part 1

Hello there quick note , my first story so be gentle haha . There isnt sex in this as it sets up the events , youll understand when you read . There will be a small message at the bottom , encase you want to make sugggestions . Otherwise hope you enjoy. The old butler … Read more

Part 1 &2 Loving The Enemy

Parts 1 and 2 of “Loving the Enemy” The Ethehini: a group of people with the ability to use earth’s elements and matter to our will and for our purposes. Mortals might call us warlocks or sorcerers, and they fear and hate us as such. Wars have been fought to wipe out our existence, how … Read more

Precious Monster

“’It’s no use going back to yesterday. I was a different person then.’” -Lewis Carroll, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” *** “I know people are afraid of me,” Lily said. “And I understand why. So I won’t take it personally if you prefer not to work with me directly.” Ashe’s pen scratched across her notebook. She … Read more

Anna – Part 1

Today was the Black Dahlia’s annual virgin auction, and Richard was on a very short list of invitees. There were only 10 virgins in the auction. But since the Dahlia was a sex club, there were over 100 women the attendees could fuck at their leisure. Buyers had 2 hours prior to the auction to … Read more

Breaking Up With Bernice

Bernice was a revelation. I had been seeing her for nearly a year since splitting from my wife and I had never met a woman so totally liberated sexually. She used her hands, her sweet mouth, her ample tits, her hot pussy and her tight arsehole to milk cum from my cock at every opportunity. … Read more

Amber Brief Stardom

Amber was very depressed it was hard for her to get out of bed when she answered and for a lottery where one drawing each week to be publicly executed. There would be one chance in 50 of ending her life for the enjoyment of others. Amber called the number and was told a car … Read more

Ice Maiden

Ice maiden. A smoke filled room in 1813. “And how is the ‘Ice Maiden,” Rigsby enquired as I joined him at the fireside in my club. “Still frozen I’ll wager.” Malden laughed. “Damn it man I told you in confidence,” I snapped as my marital woes were laid bare for all and sundry to laugh … Read more

Fall of a Hero

Chapter 01 “Sergeant,” I say, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Our orders are to stay and guard this road.” I’ve got a bad feeling about following my Staff Sergeant’s orders. Nothing I can put my finger on, just a feeling of dread, and I usually follow my instincts. Of course, I am here … Read more

Seducing A Married Man Named Charlie

This is the story of the first time I tried to seduce someone. I’m an intern in a small office with a mostly older staff. I’d been working there part time for about a year, when they filled the new office manager position with an outside hire. Charlie was 40ish, bearded, bespectacled and a little … Read more

And the next step is. by

Oddball. That’s what people call me, well mainly my brother but I guess he has a reason to. I don’t really fit in anywhere I go. If you look me over a thousand times you would never find anything normal about me. I’m not the average 11yr old girl. I’m short around 4’3, I’m skinny … Read more