Welcome to the family Stepsis

Ana was excited as she put on the bridesmaid dress for her mum’s wedding today. A few months ago, her mother met Gareth, a Swedish businessman and after a whirlwind romance, they shared the happy news to her over dinner a month back. Yesterday, she was introduced to her new stepbrothers whom were in their … Read more

Patty By Michael K Smith

One comfortably warm afternoon in October, I was taking a nap in my room, having exhausted myself with several hours of freestyle practice. There was no one else in the house, so the sound of the front door opening and closing, followed by girlish giggles on the stair, half woke me. Then some part of … Read more

Audrey’s World Sex Tour

CH.1 THE COLLEGE SEXPERIENCE You probably think that most Mormon girls grow up in a stable family, go to a Mormon college, marry a Mormon man, have 8 children, and live happily ever after. That’s the stereotype isn’t it? That probably is true for most Mormon girls. But the life this one was handed was … Read more

Kneel or No Kneel Pt. 02

Chapter 2: After the Show I couldn’t see a thing. I was living in a world of inky blackness with only sound and the pain in my abused little body to keep me company. I wasn’t deprived of sight due to a blindfolded nor was it the result of the fogginess in my brain but … Read more

Alls fair in drugs and war PART2

Daddy: “So what exactly do you expect me to do? I can’t come up with that kind of money at the drop of a hat!” I can’t keep the emotions from my voice. Rage, anger, guilt, hate, disgust and so much more are running through my veins and keeping my eyes from my daughter who … Read more


I was in my twenties when The States split off into two separate countries. It was only a matter of years before Rightica easily passed the Female Submissive Bill of 2080. I remember checking off “Yes” in the ballot box: Title: Female submissive Right of Male Dominant Act. Be it Hereby Enacted by Rightica Congress. … Read more

the New Years Party

In my family Christmas is sacred. We follow the Scandinavian traditions at this time of year. Between Boxing Day and New Years we visit family and friends enjoying one another’s company. Starting the evening of December 31 and well into the morning of January 1, my family rocks; it is party time. The children are … Read more

The Taking of Tasha

Tasha didn’t really have tangible reasons for her feelings, but she still wasn’t comfortable with meeting Stefan Ivonovich for coffee. After all, they grew up together and she knew what he was like. Stefan’s mother had been the housekeeper for Tasha’s family. Tasha and Stefan had attended University in Sofia together and now, five years … Read more

Taking My Daughter Sabine Ch. 8

Chapter 8 Needless to say we attacked the rest of the season like wild animals, winning game after game. Every game won got me closer to my goal, and with the core group in my pocket I felt confident that I’d soon be up in my daughter. Sabine had just gone on assuming that the … Read more


Eastern Kentucky Hills 1935 Melissa Merryman knew she was in trouble, perhaps deep, life-threatening, perilous trouble. Snowflakes had begun falling even before she’d left the train station. The old Model T Ford she’d bought was a sturdy, reliable vehicle, but M’lissy had never expected to be driving through an unpredicted, late-spring blizzard. She should have … Read more

Training Sarah PArt Ten – Gail becomes Sarah’s cunt

Still in shock, Gail was unable to complete full sentences. She was stammering around about how she held all the power, and how she could make everyone pay for this. Of the 3 women Gail was talking about, only Sarah could care less. Everyone already knew that she was submissive and would eat pussy on … Read more

Wei Chu’s Misadventures – Halloween

Away from home for the first time, Jack and Peter, both 18, were watching TV in the small old house they had rented on the outskirts of town. That’s all they could afford while going to university. They had just come home from a Halloween party, Jack dressed as a pirate and Peter as a … Read more

The Buckel Bunnies Part 1

I was about to turn eighteen, and my best friend Amber was about to miss it. Amber’s brother was a cowboy and rodeo star, and her family was going to Oklahoma to see him perform at one of the biggest rodeos in America. Amber asked her parents if I could go along, and they agreed, … Read more