Deal with the devil

I wake up for the nth time to the sound of my big brother beating me about the head. “Time to get up no-dick. I ain’t driving you to school.” “I’m up, I’m up. Go to hell James.” He wallops me upside the head once more, then absents himself from my room will a scoff. … Read more

Sleeping Sean

“Hey Tess! You’re still planning on coming over tonight right?! I rented the latest Melissa McCarthy movie -I heard it was hilarious! Anyway, what time are going to be there?” My best friend, Ashley called out to me from across the courtyard as we were getting on our buses to go home. “Seven!!” I yelled, … Read more


BB-104 SUMMER CAMP IN SLAVERY by Paul Gable FOREWORD One need only tune in the television set during prime time on any evening of the week to witness a seemingly endless barrage of violence in the form of “entertainment”. Whether it be cops pursuing robbers or cowboys gunning down Indians, the pattern is invariably the … Read more

The Molestation Of Miss Miyagi

The Molestation Of Miss Miyagi By rutger5 An Original (& Twisted) Story (Copyright 2013) The pretty young woman finished what she was writing on the blackboard and turned to her students. Just as she was about to speak the bell sounded, signaling the end to the period. “Okay students, that is all for today. Remember … Read more

Morning Rape

The alarm on her phone went off at 5:00AM and Danielle begrudgingly woke up. Turning the alarm off she swung her legs and sat up on the edge of the bed. Her hair fell down in front of her face and she yawned as she pushed it back and got up. Stretching she walked over … Read more


We had spent a wonderful day in the back yard, my husband, 3 of his friends, my folks, we had a nice BBQ, lots of beer, and wine coolers, the next day my husband and his friends wanted to drive up to the newly opened East Germany for a day and look around, since before … Read more

A Chance Encounter (Batgirl (Babs) and Renee Montoya) Part One

The fight had been going on for the better part of an hour with Batgirl trading punches and kicks with the East Side Rangers, a well organized group of gang members led by a woman who called herself The Mask. Driving a particularly hard punch to the side of her second’s woman, Batgirl finished off … Read more

Sharing Sue

At thirty years old, Sue was a very attractive young lady. She stood slightly over five foot five inches tall and weighed 125 pounds. She had a good figure with firm breasts, nicely rounded hips and long, beautifully shaped legs. She had large brown eyes and full lips. Her pretty face was framed by thick … Read more

Brooke’s Step-Father

Brooke’s Step-Father Friday Morning 2am Franklin sat with his trousers around his ankles and his big hard cock in his hand as he typed with his other hand. His cock was glistening with precum that had started to trickle down over his hand and onto the chair below. He didn’t care. He was too excited. … Read more

With Great Power…

“It’s getting worse,” Rebecca sobbed, smearing her heavy make-up onto Karly’s bosom. “I can’t keep going on like this. I’m always so afraid to be alone, even for a second.” The two girls were like day and night and neither would have guessed that after years of actively avoiding each other, they would share a … Read more

The Pit_(0)

The Pit ****************************** Roy Mitchell slapped a mosquito, rolled bloody ruin down his neck, and figured things couldn’t be much worse. “Scout!” He cried into the trees. He whistled. “Here, boy!” No answering bark came. “Scout!” The sun was all but set, and the dusk between the trees was the color of cobwebs. Scout, the … Read more

The Warehouse

There are certain secret places, worlds hidden within the world, and the ‘Warehouse’ was one of them. All wasn’t as it seemed at first glance. James Reese, the ‘Master’ of tonight’s initiation ceremony, stood on a platform overlooking the inside of the gigantic building. The inside of the warehouse was filled primarily with three things: … Read more

Bella Ana (Chapter 3)

Chapter Three The bus stopped in front of the school, a large rectangular brick building. Ana and Lizzie got off the bus and were greeted by a group of jeering boys. “He look, it’s Lezzie Lizzie,” one of the boys sneered. “Who’s your girlfriend Lezzie Lizzie?” Ana frowned. “I’m not her girlfriend!” The boy sidled … Read more