My Mothers Visitors PART 3 (Son Finally Gets to Play)

Alex came 12 times that night. He simply couldn’t take his hands off his cock. He found himself grinding it against his mattress and pillow, biting his blanket and moaning “Mommy!” into his sheets while fucking his iron-clenched hand. His bed, hands and chest were stiff with dried cum and he was laying in a … Read more

Club Gomorrah. The Sissy Saga. Chapter 1 The Mindfuck.

Black, cold, painful and wet. The afterlife is a dark void of nothingness. I thought to myself. Maybe death is just you existing after you died and not being able to move or see or speak. Fuck what if someone cuts me open and takes out all my organs to see how I kicked the … Read more

After the Fight

Mason sat slouching in the armchair, dumb animal eyes staring out insensible onto the TV screen before him. On the screen there was a sitcom and within the sitcom, there was a mandatory blonde waitress with what he’d judged to be proportionate breasts. She was standing, hand on hips berating customers, acerbic lines from a … Read more

The Contract (Brittany’s assignment)

THE CONTRACT My name is Brittany. I was fresh out of college, 22 years old, and got my first good job as a sales apprentice with a medium sized company. My job consisted mainly of making presentation materials supporting sales meetings. Basic support functions for the sales department. It’s a fairly high pressure department as … Read more

African Pirates – Journey into Sex Slavery 2

Jen and Amy fell asleep beside Scott, all three slaves naked and helpless but at least blissfully unaware…for the time being. Jen awoke about 45 minutes later, peering outside one of the windows in the captain’s quarters. She saw the young, attractive American tourists, both male and female, lined up naked along the deck. General … Read more

The Night of the Bigfoot (Part 3)

Graybeard looked like an aggressive creature, one to be feared, not challenged or denied. Lindsey wondered how Number one had managed to defy this beast. Lindsey cringed when Graybeard began to sniff at her hair and stroke her hairless face with surprisingly tactile fingers. She was astonished by his gentleness. Slowly she relaxed and allowed … Read more

Min Wong forces Kate (Part One)

My name is Min Wong and I came from China to England for a 2 week educational conference. It’s like a vacation and my boss told me that, if I get lots of people to my seminar, he would send me on more trips abroad. That’s better than staying home teaching. My first presentation was … Read more

My Crotch-Sniffing Dog

You’ve heard of drug-sniffing dogs and you’ve heard of bomb-sniffing dogs. Well, I have a crotch-sniffing dog. Now wait a minute here, you’re probably thinking. What’s the big deal? All dogs go around sniffing crotches. That’s true, but my dog has been specially trained to sniff out and identify fertile, human females ready to be … Read more

Cheer Raider & SABRE Panther Episode 13

[Opening Theme: “Violet Skies” by In This Moment] EPISODE 13: “Attack Through the Portal! It’s the Final Battle!” “Land near the fountain and let me out,” Jennifer said. Matt said, “Sure. But, uh, you do realize that you’re…” “Naked?” she finished. “May as well be, I’m going to get wet.” Matt set Panther down in … Read more

The Capturing Chapter 1

A knock at the door broke Alex’s concentration on his paperwork and he looked up. “Yes?” His personal assistant, Miles, opened the large oak door and stepped into Alex’s office, a white folder stuffed with papers in his hands. “Evening Miles,” Alex said, putting his pen down. “I have all the material you asked for,” … Read more