The Next Day_(0)

I got up, went to have a quick bath before school. I grabbed my clothes, dressed and down stairs. “Morning mom, how are you?” I asked mom as she sat in the kitchen pulling on the end of a cigarette. “Not so loud Jay, head is banging son” was her answer. Mom would always be … Read more

Adventures of Sarah – Chapter 3

Sarah was sitting in the cafeteria with the other teachers. They were so nice and welcoming. She had already gotten three more sub jobs and her excitement level was off the charts. She felt like she had finally cracked through the invisible barrier and was now just sailing through. She felt totally confident she was … Read more

MILF Maker: Ch 2

“Give it to me! Give it!” Marnie screamed, throwing herself at the door once more as Milo tried in vain to get some studying in. Things had calmed down for a bit after Julia had attacked him, it always seemed that way after a woman had succumbed to his curse. They’d get what they wanted … Read more

Beckie’s Abduction and Rape 1

Beckie’s Abduction and Rape 1 This is a true story of the abduction and rape of a very beautiful, intelligent, caring, child loving, business woman. This all started when I saw her profile and picture on a kinky dating site. I signed on the dating site after eight years separation from my wife that lives … Read more

Grandfather’s punishment: 2

Naked as the day she was born, Brianna walked towards her grandfather’s bedroom. It was past 6:00 am – more than an hour past the time her grandfather had asked her to go. It seemed to her that no matter how much she tried to be a good girl, she couldn’t stop making mistakes. If … Read more

(Finished) A Tentacle Problem

“Coda, I’m sensing a distress signal from sector 51.” “Alright Nate, take us there.” “Roger that. Computer, set a course to sector 51.” Our spaceship lurched, changing directions to head towards our new destination. My name’s Coda, and I’m a space pirate alongside my partner, Nate. We spend our days and nights scouring the vast … Read more

Evil Dudes

Evil Dudes By Randy MacAnus Copyright 2018 All rights reserved by the author. If you like the story, and want another chapter, click like and/or comment at the end. Story suggestions are welcome. This is a story of rape and sexual enslavement of a straight college student. by gay men. If this sort of thing … Read more

The Mission_(1)

The Mission Beneath the I-12 underpass, the huddled form was barely visible in the twilight as I headed home from stocking up on a few essentials before the predicted storm front arrived. Wrapped in a black garbage bag clutching a small second generation handbag, the hapless figure beneath the overpass was well suited for a … Read more

Making my Mom my Slave Part 2

This is a continuation of the “Playing Dare with Sis” and “Training my Sister Kayleigh” Stories. While I suppose this story can be a stand alone, character development as well as certain terminology will definitely be better understood if the previous series are read first. Eventually both stories will loop together as well. This spin … Read more

Who Me…. a Wizard III

Who Me….. a Wizard III The Queen In a gilded cage hanging from the ceiling of a large somewhat cavernous dungeon and suspended over a black abyss. Was a very dejected and angry lady… The Queen. Along side her cage was three more containing Tobar(Elf) the Red, Stommp ( dwarf ) the Yellow, and Anil … Read more

The Spread Part 3

The cabin door closed behind Amelia with a slight mechanical whir. She rolled her head around, trying her best to get the kinks out of her neck; her hands massaging her shoulders. It was never an easy day being a doctor on a colonization ship, but any day that involved emergency surgery automatically ranked lower … Read more

Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 09-10

CH09 I know where I’m at as soon as the blue light penetrates my eyelids. My eyes fly open, but I’m disappointed to see I’m the only person in the room. The white light douses me, and I can feel my strength leaking from me, as it builds up my body. “Lela?” I call out, … Read more

Well, That Backfired_(1) Walls

LAURIE My brother is shy. Shyness is endearing up to a point, but at eighteen years old, it goes from cute, to pathetic. You think he’d get out of his fucking shell by now, but nope; Tom is still the awkward, apprehensive boy he’s been his entire life. He’ll be heading off to college soon, … Read more

The Forgotten

“I need to ask you a favor,” said Steven. “Shoot,” replied Kevin. “I have to go out of town for a couple of days. Might turn into a week. It’s for my dad’s company. They need me to approve some things since…you know.” Kevin did know. He nodded to his friend, who was stroking his … Read more