
She’d lived within sight of the family home for all the sixteen summers of her life. There were a few travelling traders and some officials that occasionally came to through their valley, but most of her life it was just her, her father and three older brothers tolling away with this subsistence farming. It was … Read more

The Ordeal of Emilia Clarke Ch.4

“What the hell,” Emilia said to herself as she checked her e-mails in the morning. “Oh my…” Her mouth gaped open as she clicked through the images. A huge cock laid on a picture of her. Then there were several pictures of a hairy hand stroking the cock, and then there was cum, covering her … Read more

A Holiday with Friends

A Holiday with Friends Andy and I had been on a training exercise in North Africa with our regiment, we were ready for a holiday. We had spent the first few days just chilling out during the day and going to bars in the evenings. The girls had wanted to go to a nightclub all … Read more

Enter Sectian Ch. 5

[ All characters in this story are adults. Pamela’s daughter, Adeline, is 22 years old, as stated in the first chapter. Also the story never depicts actual sex acts with Adeline, only mentions them – entirely ethical for an adult with Downs. ] Adeline’s lactation disappeared over the next few days. Her breasts fit the … Read more

Edward Hamilton of the Royal Navy – the Caribbean Voyage

Edward Hamilton of the Royal Navy – the Caribbean Voyage Now a captain Edward Hamilton is in command of the frigate Siren in the Caribbean 1805, Caribbean Sea Lt. James Wray touched his hat as he came up the ladder and approached the solitary figure standing near the taffrail along the stern. Captain Edward Hamilton … Read more

Powers Out

Unlocking the door she enters the house. Reaching up she flips the switch. Nothing, power must be out with this storm no surprize she thinks to herself. She enters the back hall absently attempting to turn on the inside hall light knowing it’s probably not going to work either as none of the outside lights … Read more

In This Together

Some people might call me a pervert. Others would say I should be locked up and the key thrown away. They might be right given the things I’ve done. But you know what, life hasn’t been to fair with me either. Growing up I wasn’t a good looking. My ears stuck out and my nose … Read more

The Darkmoon Faire (part 3)

So, uh, this will be a large advance into my twisted tale. Such an advance, in fact, that there’s practically no sexytiems. 🙁 Those of you who play World of Warcraft and have had any hunter, you know precisely what I’m doing here. Kara’s leveling and training! Of course, it’s sort of set in Cata… … Read more

The Perfect Opportunity

If you asked what I was in college for, I would of course answer “Marketing”. However, if you what I did in college, it was mostly partying. This isn’t a new or unique pass time for your average college Junior. It gets old, boring, dull even. Which is why I’ve been spicing up my party … Read more

The Lost Warrior part 2

“Go on now, go. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Julie shooed her brother away and Enoch sighed as he continued to make his way home. He hated it, living in Grasmere. The people here were nice enough, sure, but he missed everyone from back home. He missed his mother and father, his friends who had … Read more

The Dirty Old Resident

Meranda had just started her new housekeeping job, she would be cleaning out condo’s for the wealthy elderly folks at Eastwood cove. So exciting right? Meranda thinks as she enters the huge building. 35 floors, the biggest building Meranda has ever worked in. She walks down a long hallway to the clock in machine and … Read more

Lloyd’s Angel

It was shaping up to be another busy day. The remote vibrated discreetly in my pocket and I headed for the mall entrance. “On it,” my partner’s voice sounded in my earbud. Angela was there before me, courteously but firmly blocking the progress of a very flustered-looking middle-aged woman. I got there just at the … Read more

Memories of a Mortician Part 8: Last Bath/Electric Youth

LAST BATH Year: 2011 Name:J.L Age: 23 Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to drowning Other Injuries: Light chemical burns near nose and mouth area caused by chloroform. Torn vagina and hymen from sexual assault. Time between death and delivery to mortician: 14hrs Notes: Pic 1 A young woman has just finished dressing up for her … Read more

… sweet

…IS SWEET This story is brutal. It contains rape, torture and murder. If that isn’t your thing, fuck off now. For those of you who are a tad crazier, enjoy. After almost a week of bawling like a baby, I managed to make it through the funeral with completely falling apart…until I walked through the … Read more