Terry’s Party Trick

He bolted upright, heart pounding. Not sure what woke him up, but he knew he was very wake and that it was very dark, and very quiet around the house. It excited him. His breath shuddering with excitement, he started to make his way off the sofa and up the stairs toward the bedrooms. He … Read more

Strangled Co-ed

Kristin Matthews was a 19 year old sophomore at a large university in California. She was 5’7″ tall, with brown hair and gray eyes. She lived just off campus in an older complex of townhouse apartments. On this particular Tuesday; she had attended her normal schedule of classes followed by a lab. After the lab; … Read more

Desert Motorcycle

‘Oh dear’, you think as you get out of your car. You have paid a visit to a girlfriend who lives on the edge of the Bad Lands. Heading for home you took a wrong turn somewhere and now were in the middle of the desert. When you turned around on a dirt road to … Read more

Unfathomable Fantasies I – Rape of Amelia and Yen Yi (Part 2)

“Holy Shit! Forty-five men?! Per girl? That’s sick.” exclaimed Alex, the new guy in the control room. Elise rolled her eyes. “Not really. You’ll see once you’re here long enough.” Alex was still not convinced. “I mean, seriously, 15 dicks to each hole, how does a virgin, or any girl for that matter take it? … Read more

Julia’s Game

Julia looked around the darkened basement seeing that everything was ready for her to begin the ritual. She had spent the last three days working on the multiple pentagrams that covered the wall making sure each line was perfect as it was directed in the spell book. And today she had spent all afternoon working … Read more

the Director of Buenos-aries pt2

Across the rooftop of the city slums the air shimmered with heat. It was early in the afternoon and each block of tightly packs homes hummed with music, animal barks and the noise of adolescent scooters and games. In the middle of one such street deep in the Buenos-Aries “villas” a non-descript block of homes … Read more

The night she will never be able to forget

Atia slowly regained consciousness. The first thing she realized was that she could not move, then that she was naked and then that there was someone or something touching her between her legs. Atia was a twenty-three year old African-American woman, 5’3″ tall and weighed 103 pounds. She had short, black, curly hair, milk chocolate … Read more

Crusade of Terror 1

The killer laughed as he slid his cock into his unconscious victim’s dry cunt. The only moisture coming from the lubrication he had rubbed onto the condom. He was no fool, and the last thing he wanted was DNA evidence left behind in his victim. It did, however, put a small burn in his wallet. … Read more

Scum (Abe Part 1)

Abe is the kind of person you try to avoid at any cost. He is an old scum who has never been nice to anyone. In fact, he hates everyone. Younger people, women, minorities, and most likely other old men as well. He constantly smells of alcohol and cigarettes. He yells at children and adults … Read more

Killing My Wife and Disposing Of her Corpse

My wife and I had a very interesting conversation recently one evening. She had seen a movie on LMN where a husband killed his wife and disposed of her body. Since she knows I’m into crime shows and scenarios like that and watch them all the time on ID and am into stranglings and snuff/necro; … Read more

Ashley’s Doggy Stlye

Ashley’s Doggy Style My name is Ashley Robbins. I am 19 years old. I am about 5’9″ tall. I have long blond hair and big blue eyes. My 36D breasts and lean athletic muscular body almost ensured that I always got what I wanted when I was around guys. All I would have to do … Read more

In the Ruins

Drywall and wood chippings rained on the soldiers helmet, as the sound of far off artillery shook the dilapidated building. For a brief moment, the soldier froze under the doorway, not so much from the knowledge that the doorway was the most sturdy part of what was left of this building, as from primal instinct, … Read more

Animal Behaviour Part Two

August 24/2017 00:46 Hrs Bush Country, Kruger National Park The hyenas are creeping closer. The sound of the motor even closer. From the bush more glowing eyes can be seen. Fervently praying to the gods above that the sound of the motor was the guys looking for me, more prayers that they find me before … Read more

Forced To Be Female Part 5

I could write this whole part just on the emotions that I went through in protective custody. It is similar to solitary confinement, but with books and supervised recreation time. It wasn’t easy getting the guards to let me in. I told them that I was afraid I was going to be raped. The problem … Read more

Junior Executive to Japanese Sex Slave

Junior Executive to Japanese Sex Slave The true story of Jennifer, a young American businesswoman who is transferred by her company to live and work in Tokyo. Once there she discovers that an MBA from Harvard can’t prepare her for the vulgar and misogynistic culture of Corporate Japan. The beautiful executive is herself humiliated, debased, … Read more