FAFA Food for all Africa

Prologue This is a Fantasy, don’t read on if College Girls, Forced, Extreme, Heavy, interracial, public nudity, humiliation, cannibalism, snuff, piercing by red hot meat hooks, attacks by Crocodiles, bad grammar and rape with a touch of ironic humour are not your scene. Maybe fifty per cent of it is based on or plagiarised from … Read more

Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 9

It didn’t take much time for A’luhr to outfit the rest of the group with the remaining weapons and some satchels, which slung over their shoulders, and seemed capable of holding plenty of any supplies they might find. A’luhr remained equipped with her two daggers along with one of the three remaining impulse detonators, the … Read more

The Pen: Chapters 9 and 10

Chapter 9 ………………………..The Braclet……………………….. The next day was friday and Emily and Robyn were preparing for a girls weekend trip to tour more colleges for Robyn. Wyatt was super excited as he arrived at work to start the day and even more excited to take a little trip at lunch to the local gem store … Read more

Slums to Sluts

We were finally moving out of the trailer park! My mom had said, bursting into my room the day it happened.
“Harper! He did it! Ethan finally asked me to marry him!” I was ecstatic. Harley, my mom, had been working this guy for months, and I had started to think it was another dead end, … Read more

Erica Tied Up and Raped Chapter 2_(2)

At 6pm varsity football practice had finished. A group of players were tired from practice and the captain had to stop by the restroom to take a piss. He heard a muffled cry from the bathroom stall. The football captain ran to the bathroom stall where he heard the voice and opened it. There he … Read more

Not Alone in the Dark

Vincent slowly cracked his eyes open for the first time in months, though to him it merely felt like a pleasant nap. The first thing he noticed was an unfamiliar, cloying taste in his mouth, and that his heart rate was oddly elevated despite his body being at rest. Disoriented, he shifted his eyes around … Read more

Possession: Christmas Vengeance – Chapter 6 – Winter Showers – edited

Chapter 6 – Winter Showers I rest for a few minutes, letting my heart rate come down, exhausted. I admire the sight. The beautiful, expensive four-poster-bed so defiled and desecrated. King-sized mattress soaked with piss and fluids. Vertical black iron posts running up from each corner of the bed, connected at the top by horizontal … Read more

Plant 42

Jill Vinston wandered the halls of the Walace state Guardhouse. She hadn’t been able to find any of the other X.P.Q.R members since first arriving in the mansion, and she was starting to worry that she’d never see any of them again. There were still more locked doors in the house, but she didn’t have … Read more

Teacher’s Pet Ch 20

Teacher’s Pet Ch 20 Mr. Wilson led the young teen by the hand through Dr. Chalmer’s crowded waiting room. The scantily clad teen drew the usual attention from men, women and children in the waiting room. To her relief, he didn’t play any games this time, instead he led her hastily into Dr. Chalmer’s usual … Read more

expanding the pack part 2

Jessica; “Oh you’re just being paranoid why would a ghost want us stuck here.” S “Well maybe it isn’t a ghost maybe is a monster or something.” “A monster really and why is it that it waited till today to trap someone” S “Well I’m just saying look at that tree it’s not dead and … Read more

Family Harvest: Re-planting seeds within the same soil (Chapter 2)

Family Harvest: Re-planting seeds within the same soil Chapter 2: Super Mom After this sexual incident between us, Miriam became pregnant. Not only that, but she also had a major make-over; including dropping down to 180 pounds, removing most of the wrinkles from her face; changing her eye color from brown to blue; changing her … Read more

Women will do anything to survive the Zombie apocalypse – Ch. 01 – Food whore

Background The zombie apocalypse was one of the best things that happened to Troy. Before this, he was a manager at a trucking company. He hated the job, but it paid really well. By a terrible coincidence, his wife was killed in a freak accident on the road with a truck from the same company … Read more

Teacher’s Erotic Plan Goes Awry

Her stomach fluttered. Her legs felt like jelly. Could she go through with it? Was it too daring? Min Chen had planned this for months. Now she sat in her car under the willow tree waiting for 3am. At 3am, the exact time she was born 40 years ago, she would open the school’s side … Read more

Monstrous night updated

She stood there, all of 5” tall, looking death in the face. In front of here is what can only be described as the hideous monsters we worried about slithering under our beds as children. Lurking in our closets. He stood at least three times her height, and even get started about his girth. He … Read more

Aid In Africa : Part three : Mandy

Aid in Africa Part 3 : Mandy and the Finale “woof!” Mandy wasn’t sure she heard it correctly. Through eyes half closed in sleep. She looked at the number. Trish! “Woof!” Baffled, she listened more carefully, but was only greeted by another woof. A dog ? Her mind conjured up an image of Trish as … Read more