Uncivilized Part Two

Kitten spent the long hot day walking. The hoard that had taken her now on the move. This hoard in particular seemed to move a lot, shifting positions any time on coming hoards came near. Ram, their leader and her master, was ruthless in their pacing. They did not stop for water, or to catch … Read more


Coming from work one night, she said goodnight and wished her coworkers well. “Goodnight Sasha. You’ve got to work for me like we agreed tomorrow morning. Don’t forget to set your alarm!”. They poked fun at her for one incident where she didn’t remember to adjust the time on her alarm clock and was late … Read more

Co-eds European Roadtrip Horror Part1

The expanse of the Eastern Europe as it rolls forever onwards has that hypnotic effect. Crest after crest reveals nothing but harsh hot plains brilliant with corn like a sea of gold. The eyes have no reference and your heart sets its sights on a new hill and that expected vista of civilization only to … Read more

Titcage (All Chapters)

Chapter One TITCAGE Claire didn’t want to work at Titcage. But work experience during the school holidays was compulsory for seniors and despite her best efforts she couldn’t convince her parents or teachers that the so-called Committee For Gender Equity was against women, not for them. Funded by church groups, conservatives, and the world’s richest … Read more

S.O.L. Games: What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf? part 2 of 2

DON’T START AT THIS CHAPTER How to read S.O.L. Games (pronounced ‘soul’) : Start with the Prologue and one or more Level 1 chapters in any order. (Jump Ropes, Floor is Lava, Pet Teachers) Then read one or more Level 2 chapters in any order. (Web Design, Teacher Taut, Chemistry, Tug of War) Then read … Read more

Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore – Chapter 8 – Back Store Fuck

Recap: Grandpa Harold warned Peta that his three son’s from a past marriage were in town and was sent by his current wife, my grandma, to check on his childhood apartment that I was currently living in. Grandpa Harold never told any family members that he allowed me to occupy the apartment rent free. Grandpa … Read more

Another Good Night

Another Good Night Since their parents passed away a year before Jason had become increasingly stern in the way he dealt with his younger sisters Sarah and Hannah. Hannah was just some little kid that got on his fucking nerves but Sarah was a different story. She’d turned seventeen that summer and she was so … Read more

The Abduction and Rape of Denise! by

The Abduction and Rape of Denise A black rapist named Sam has been watching and stalking Denise off and on for several weeks he has a special hi tech tracking device that has given him the ability to listen in on her cell phone conversations. This has let him know exactly when she is alone … Read more

Cowboys and Bikers

It was a very pleasant late spring evening in northern New Mexico in the mid 1960’s. The sun had set long enough ago that it had gotten dark. That Friday evening two late fifties pick-up trucks sat in front of ‘Hank’s Honky Tonk’ and an old ’51 Chevy four door sat behind the bar. The … Read more

Whore Sister 6: Vengeance

For the next three days my sister, nieces, and I locked ourselves in their shitty apartment having fucked-up sex. Every single part of my body penetrated every orifice they had. Whenever I was finally spent and no longer able to perform, the three women would turn on each other like wild animals. I thought I … Read more


“Kayla, I’m hungry,” Cindy whined as she trotted into the kitchen. She had been playing in her room when her mother had left for the night and had only just come downstairs to find her sister as the only other person in the house. “Look in the fridge for something,” Kayla grumbled. She was not … Read more

Giving into Darkness.

Chapter One. Leaning against the wall, grey eyes would survey the crowded night life that was New York, she wasn’t just watching for the occasional drama that erupted among it’s citizens. No she had an ultimate goal, find Leon Church and kill him. Even with the rain the streets were crowded yet she knew he … Read more

David’s House

“I don’t know what is going on. I don’t want to buy or live in this house anymore, but the weird things I think I saw here are compelling me. I wish you could tell me what was going on here.” Sarah looked anxiously at the medium. Her curiosity was bubbling up in a mixture … Read more

Withering Rose

‘How could my life go to shit like this?’ Asked Rose to herself. Rose Vachite was a petite woman, small in stature but her bust and rear were the envy of many woman. Her long red hair streamed down to her waist, her green eyes sparkle with curiosity at everything she saw. She wasn’t extremely … Read more