Harry Potter Adventures: Chapter 3 – Ron goes Looney

October had descended on Hogwarts and along came with it the rainy weather, which only dampened Ron’s bad mood even further. Ron’s year so far had been particularly bad. Ron’s grades had so far been terrible, barely scrapping a pass or even failing some subjects. Harry however had been excelling in his subjects, especially potions, … Read more

The Ritual_(1)

The Ritual Tonight was to be my initiation in a girl’s student club. I was a little nervous – it was a rather exclusive club, all members were extremely gorgeous and I was the only new girl they had decided to take on. That made me feel pretty special. I rang the doorbell for the … Read more


The need, the physical yearning for anonymity struck hard. It sent her on two trains to a suburb she’d never been before, and then it sent her to a bar. She sat there on her own, drinking cider on an empty stomach, it didn’t take long for her to start unraveling. She looks out of … Read more

Genesis of Orcs, Chapter 1: A Verboten Liaison

—————————————————————————— Prologue —————————————————————————— Where did it all go wrong? For nigh four millennia elvenkind has stewarded a golden age. Elves, alongside angels, dethroned the devil at the dawn of creation. Through their benevolent reign good has thrived ever since. Born of the goddess Gaia herself elves border the divine. Every elf’s female, ageless, and unsurpassed … Read more

Caught Playing Badminton

My and my buddies get together once or twice a year to trap and fuck some unsuspecting bitch. We’ve never been caught in 15 years because we’re real good at it. We’re professionals! We take turns locating a suitable victim and then we spend lots of time researching and planning. By the time we’re ready, … Read more

Maya’s Fire (Ch. 4)

Renton poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. He spread the newspaper out in front of him. He pretended to read as he watched Maya out of the corner of his eye. Her messy hair was gathered into a bun at the nape of her neck. She took Jeremy’s bowl … Read more

Rose 1: Terminal Navel Rape

After waking around 9:00 AM with the usual hardon that for once pissing did not soften I knew I was ready for Rose in the guest bedroom. I gave her the usual wakeup call on the Google Home, then grabbed the heavy Maglite from my side of the bed and walked through the house nude … Read more

Birth of the Ringtaker # 4 – It’s a family thing

Fingering through the books I saw about 12 of them. I did some quick reading, almost all boring shit. Mom really liked writing about her dreams. Then I found the one dated 18 years ago. The opening pages were about her dating and bitching about how controlling her parents were. I found the page where … Read more

Kim Possible – A Really Bad Dream

My name is Kim Possible and the story that I’m about to tell you is truly an unusual one, because it had started on April 12th, which was exactly the same day that I had no choice, but to stop a batch of Bonnie Rockwaller clones that Doctor Drakken and his assistant, Shego had created … Read more

The Place By The Lake

The Place By The Lake Claire had been studying classical dance at EMU and her third year was more onerous than she thought it would be. It was exhaustion from the heavy workload and from the constant practice that made her want to visit her family’s summer home by Michigan Lake. It was a serene … Read more

Mr K’s Favourite Student

The Point of view switch with each paragraph, it starts with Lee: Jen had been at the school for 5 years, she was a complete brain box, she knew the answer to every question, and every teacher thought of her as a model student. I joined the school in year 8; all that time ago, … Read more

Memoirs of the Kosmetics Killer (Entry #5)

Diary of the Kosmetics Killer (Entry # 5) After the last death, I had to lie low for some time as police stepped up patrols and young, pretty women started to take precautions like not being alone at home at night. I had to wait for more than a year before the next opportunity was … Read more

Val and the Beast

Hello there everyone! I usually don’t write that much but wanted to give it a go, this is my first time writing something I publish so I hope you can all forgive for any bad grammar (English is not first language) Anyway I hope you all can enjoy and share with me in my kind … Read more

Rich Bitch

Susan had almost everything. When it came to money her parents allowed her to have anything she wanted. Money was no object in her life. She even had two cars and was looking at a third one. She had a red Mustang convertible, a black Trans-Am and now she wanted a midnight blue Corvette. She … Read more