Julia the reluctant Dogger

All the characters hereby depicted are fictitious and not based on any UK politicians who indulge in dogging. Julia the reluctant Dogger “Dogger, Fisher, German Bight,” intoned the BBC man as he read the shipping forecast. James chuckled at the words as he carefully drove the sleek Jaguar along the winding Yorkshire road in the … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 15

Chapter Fifteen: Worth Angel slammed the club’s back door open; letting a blast of cool August air hit her in the face. Every once in a while, she would get these crazy offers from clients. They expected her to do anything. A guy wants to see her bend over for a dog; she’s expected to … Read more


(Hey as said before PLEASE GIVE YOU COMMENTS! Constructive criticism is especially appreciated, thanks!) It was Clara that first took an envelope. With a large and audible gulp, Ashlynn picked up the other one, again repeating “I’m not into girls, “ then adding “we stop if I say stop, right?” I nodded, and smiled. “Yes, … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 9

Chapter Nine: Undeniable Tensions By the time Angel was picking up her bag to leave the club, it was three in the morning. She followed Rich out the back door of the club and towards his truck until he stopped. “No,” he corrected, turning to look at Angel. He pointed over her right shoulder, “you’re … Read more


Kyle knew that by the end of the week he would either kill someone or die. He’d been on the streets for two weeks, keeping to back alleys to minimize the chance that he’d run into another person, but there was no getting away from the scent of blood. He smelled it everywhere. The closer … Read more

Free food from the grocer

Of course this is just a story and not true. Nothing like this should ever really happen but I am afraid that it does. Please read it just for your entertainment. The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone … Read more


(Hey as said before PLEASE GIVE YOU COMMENTS! Constructive criticism is especially appreciated, thanks!) When I returned the lotion to the night stand, I was careful to flip the switch on my other two test cameras at the head board and the footboard. They had about 45 minutes run time, and that should be plenty. … Read more

Clarissa, Masters wife, Worker’s whore pt1

Clarissa, Masters wife, Worker’s whore pt1 Yorkshire UIK after the general strike of 1926. I stood idly on the weed strewn platform with the blustery wind ruffling my thin summer suit, as it rattled the locked waiting room door and rustled the lush cow parsley on the now neglected station garden and I watched the … Read more


(Hey as said before PLEASE GIVE YOU COMMENTS! Constructive criticism is especially appreciated, thanks!) I stepped in close, and gave the hem of Ashlynn’s shirt a tug. She slapped my hand away. “How do I know you haven’t already gotten some from Clara?” “Because up here it’s a fucking dredge, normally I work 12-16 hour … Read more

Great Thai Massage

Mid afternoon and I was walking the streets of a popular Thailand tourist city, checking out the massage girls grouped out the front of the parlours. As an older man I was looking for the pleasure of a ‘special’ massage from an attractive younger girl. Most however, were oldish ie 30 plus or more, on … Read more

The Sabacc Shift

Happy Star Wars Day, readers! I put together this fun one-shot story in celebration of May the 4th be With You Day. As anyone familiar with Star Wars can probably guess, this story features Sabacc, the card game most famous for bringing Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon together. And, of course, some sexy aliens … Read more

Our Only Hope, Chapter 06

Chapter Six Wyatt Monty When I got back to the motel, I sat on the bed for several minutes slowly flipping the black entry chip over and over in my hand. This recycled chip, the poor condition of the building, and the unkept look of the staff all added up to a cheap, slipshod business. … Read more

The Collar 5_(1)

Totally unbeknownst to either Brian or Lilly, the only reason she had been able to send any files to her home computer was because Chinese hackers had been exploiting that very weakness to steal Maycorp’s data for months. Project Freedom was well known to the Chinese but they regarded it as a meaningless waste of … Read more


(Here we have a “prequel” of sorts, or perhaps a separate chapter in the ongoing lives of the Roberts Boys and their sexual escapades. As always, the place-names are slightly changed to protect the not-so-innocent. Pease not the references in here to some previous stories. Let me know that you think, any constructive criticism appreciated, … Read more