Sara – The begin

This story is just fiction. Any of the characters are real or facts are about something is really happened (also if I suspect many of the girls who started this, started in this way or for the same reason). English isn’t my mother language so I hope you will forgive me about grammars and word’s … Read more

Miss Brabbingers Downfall

Miss Brabbingers downfall. Lord Rothby looked disconsolately into his tankard of mead as the fool told the same old joke once more while the zither man slurped ale from his tankard and the Landlord at the Frothby Duck at Langley bemoaned that the Canal was now complete and his best customers the Navigators or Navvys … Read more

Sara – The Best feeling of the Universe

This story is just fiction. Any of the characters are real or facts are about something is really happened (also if I suspect many of the girls who started this started in this way or for the same reason). English isn’t my mother language so I hope you will forgive me about grammars and word’s … Read more

My Career Choice

Chapter 1 When I was 16 my parents kicked me out of their house with a bag of clothes, a bus pass and $500. I had no idea what to do but knew I deserved to be kicked out I had a bad habit of doing coke and stealing their money to support my habit. … Read more

Jennies story

This is the story of what happened to me six of seven years ago. Looking back I suppose I must have been very naive and gullible. Anyway here it is. I used to have a next door neighbour who was a friend of my father,they would go fishing together, also he would come to my … Read more

Duped into Sex Slavery in Asia

Duped into Sex Slavery in Asia An Australian girl is duped into becoming a sex slave while on vacation in Thailand. When she graduated from University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia in late spring 2009, Cassandra Ackerman, known by her friends as Cassie, promised herself a sabbatical. She booked a flight and left … Read more

Earning Money_(0)

“I need money” she was saying, “I have to find $2800 for a European tour.” I looked at my sister “A what tour?” “In May Betsy, Alice and Talia are going to Europe for three months. They want me to go too but I don’t have enough money, I need $2800 and I need it … Read more

Sister is a lot of fun

My sister called and wanted to meet for a drink. She admitted that she had really been struggling lately. She and her boyfriend (who I hated) had broken up, she was tired of sleeping on a friend’s couch. She did not have a job or a place to stay. I own my home and had … Read more

A Family Tradition

As I was driving my son and myself across the Brooklyn Bridge into New York City, I couldn’t help recalling the saddest time in my life. Almost two years ago, I stood vigil with my husband as the cancer he’d battled for several years took him from us. We spent the last few days discussing … Read more

My Wife, My Hooker Part 2

Part 2 — I return to my slut, completely filled and used. I lean over to her and say “How was that, exactly what you wanted?”, she replies “Yes and so much more” I pull everything out of her. All of her holes are gaping open, cum is dried on her face and hair and … Read more

Avenging Angel chapter 4

FANTASIES CONFRONT REALITY I couldn’t bring consistent rational thought to bear on the film excerpts, yet I was obsessed, unable to tear my mind away. Questions echoed in my head. In particular: what would a Part Four portray? What could follow such graphic portrayals of sexual violence and genital mutilation? For days after the Specimen … Read more

Southern Depravity

Southern Depravity Synopsis: A middle-class white Southern family is blackmailed and threatened with death. The wife and teen daughter are forced to pay off a debt by doing debauched sex jobs. Chapter 1 Sandra was putting her pot-roast on the table that she had just removed from her oven. It was a Wednesday evening in … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 22

Chapter Twenty Two: Missing Angel didn’t realize she had fallen asleep until she jolted upright at the sound of the door clicking open. The suited man slipped back into the room, followed by Dante. Angel’s body tensed as she tried to stifle her happiness at seeing Dante. Even if he couldn’t help her out of … Read more

TXR-92U-2280 – Call Name: Sara – Part 6

In a society that otherwise resembles our own, mass slavery has persisted into the 21st Century. It is a common and accepted feature of public and private life. Males and females of all ethnic backgrounds are held thrall, without status or legal rights. They are quite literally living property, and may be bought, sold and … Read more

CAW 7: A Story of New York_(0)

Standing on the corner between Elmwood Avenue and Church Street there’s three things running through her head: Who does she have to fuck today, Will she make enough money for rent and food, and when the hell can she get out of this cold ass weather. From a young age Kaitlynn Miller struggled with abuse, … Read more