Incestuous Harem 18: Bred

Clint Elliston Shock and pleasure shot through me, my cock unloading a final squirt of cum into Lee’s hungry mouth as Melody kissed me and hugged me. My mind didn’t want to work. I had one half-sister swallowing my cum, after swallowing my piss, and the other kissing me, hugging me, excited by the news … Read more

My daughter Annie

My daughter Annie “Breath. Breath. Don’t push too hard.—-” came the instructions in the delivery room as Annie was bringing her first child into the world. “What am I doing here?” I thought to myself. “A woman’s husband or mother should be here. Not a father.” I grabbed my daughter’s hand and squeezed it, “Baby, … Read more

The Sixth Prince – Part 6

I would love to share my appreciation for all the support from friends and fans alike! Because of you, I have finally finished what you have all be asking for: The Sixth Prince Part VI Izial rolled over onto his side and puked. The stench of vomit pierced the air, bringing a sharply acidic tone … Read more

Fucked my sister

“Rick, Dwayne and I are going to the beach for a few days and want to know if you and Caroline would like to ride with us” my sister Jen asked me. Jen was a couple of years older than I, and we had always been close. She had been married to Dwayne for two … Read more

Late for Class

Late for Class Introduction: Ashley becomes late for math class, and is punished by her teacher! (Essentially what I would wish to happen if I was late for class) ​As she opened her locker that Friday morning, Ashley had no idea that her life was about to change.  She picked up her books, and quickly … Read more


I’ll allow comments on this one. Let me know what you think of the story. CHAPTER 10 As usual, we spent Christmas with my family. Pru called for a family meeting on Christmas Eve. She spoke from the center of the floor one everyone was seated. “Pat and I want you all to know that … Read more


SATIN SLIP TO DREAM OF [Bastard] My brother-in-law and I passed (him going one way and me the other). I gave him the ‘finger’ but he didn’t recognize me in my brand new Hummer 4×4. I don’t even know why I bothered giving-the-bird to the son-of-a-bitch, wife-abusing, cheating bastard. The fact that my stepsister was … Read more


“Malia… Would you please focus on the task at hand?” asked my frustrated mother as she lifted a box from the truck and carried it into the new house. “Aren’t the movers going to do that?” I asked. “Yes. So get your tree and the two boxes that you have left for your room.” I … Read more

Uncivilized Part One

The world had ended. Or civilization had anyway, everyone about the world kept living, if they had clung to life during the War Storms. However, now they lived differently, on instinct and the need to survive. Reduced back to global tribe mentality, where governments were unable to make a strong hold on more than thirty … Read more

I found my sister stripping Ch 7

Let me start by saying that there is a LOT more story in this chapter, and a bit less sex. For those after only the sex, I’m sorry, but I hope you like the 3-4 page sex scene that is in here. Also, there is no actual incest in this chapter, but it is referenced, … Read more

Swapping Cousins

Tod and Sissy Bracklin were two fairly normal kids, who had a fairly normal relationships as brother and sister. Tod, being 17, could drive and Sissy, being 14 loved to shop, so it wasn’t unusual for them to spend time together as Tod ferried her from place to place. In each place he had friends … Read more

A Family Man: Part 5 Home Cumming

After driving all afternoon and into the early evening, Bonnie and I reached Wausau, in upper central Wisconsin, where the hospital my uncle was born in was located. I wagered that even if my uncle’s family didn’t live in Wausau, they wouldn’t live too far outside it. After asking for directions at various gas stations, … Read more

The Hotel: Room Service

Room Service I was naked on my back, rubbing my little clit, when the phone rang on the nightstand beside the bed. I reached out with one of my pussy juice soaked hands and snatched the cordless phone off of the receiver. “Hello?” I said breathlessly, answering. “Miss Donovan? This is Claire from Guest Services,” … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 31

A couple days after the intrusion my family were able to calm down as things returned to normal. The kids started to be themselves with Adam helping them through the emotional strain that all four showed. The rest of the family dealt with their own emotional awareness stating ‘No one was going to break our … Read more