Part 6–the conclusion of our story. CHAPTER 16 We woke early the following morning, but could hear that we weren’t the only ones. There was activity in the kitchen and we decided to dress. Jennie walked upstairs while I shaved, dressed, and cleaned up the bed before joining everyone for breakfast. I was on my … Read more

The Eyes

My father married her mother when she was fifteen, I was older. I don’t know when it started, but I know for sure what I first noticed. It was her eyes. How they would look at me, linger on mine for longer than a glance. The first time, she looped an arm over the back … Read more

One Long Airplane Ride

A VERY LONG TRIP My wife had been gone for four years. She didn’t die she “wanted her freedom” so she divorced me, took all she wanted of her things (which was practically nothing), and headed southwest with a strange, long haired, dark skinned younger guy she had met at the gym…and that’s enough of … Read more

The Shoplifter Chapter Three

ACTION At home, I found my parents in the family room lost in a TV program. I said hello but little more. I watched enough TV to appear social and then said goodnight and went up to my room. I cleaned up quickly, got into my robe, retrieved Bobby’s note from my handbag and cuddled … Read more

The R-Virus: Trespasser

Jenna was sitting in her car and her body was tense, but one leg was rapidly thumping the stubby raised heel of her shoe at the carpeted floor. The sun was sinking past the hillside and she watched it with growing trepidation. Tonight she was on course to do something she had never done before, … Read more

Broken In By Uncle

I was lying in bed one morning, kind of between that place where you’re asleep and that place where you’re awake. I was sort of dream-thinking about my upcoming trip to my Aunt and Uncle’s house. Every summer we kids went out there, to the farm, and stayed for two months. There were four of … Read more

Easing The Pressure

Josie was suffering, she was a big girl, almost six feet tall and she probably weighed 260 pounds or more. And of course it didn’t help that it was currently summer and the weather had been hot for weeks and as always humid. Most folk could handle the heat but the humidity made every part … Read more

CAHILL–Part 3 of 6

CAHILL—Part 3 by Senorongo >>>>>>> Daryl and I went out to dinner Friday night and we agreed that we would leave the following night at midnight. Driving together we could go through the night just as we had many times in pursuit of criminals. Even if we averaged only fifty miles per hour we should … Read more

Maria’s Favor to a Geek – Chapter 10

CHAPTER 10 – Final Michael wakes up to the pleasant feeling of Maria gently stroking her fingers through his hair. They’re snuggled together in his bed, his arm around her, and her head resting on his shoulder. She’s wearing one of his shirts and a pair of his shorts that she borrowed. After their night … Read more

it happened on vacation (and continued at home) pt 13

it happened on vacation (and continued at home) pt 13. What was a boy to do, what am I going to do ?. I was so consumed with sex well, young lust for the most part that I have created a situation ripe for disaster. You know the saying: “don’t shit where you eat”. I … Read more

Parallel beings (The Mission 6)

Charles was hard at work trying to formulate a plan to change the mind of Allie’s father the emperor. The only problem was that damn law, there had to be a way to get around it. Sighing Charles thought there was also the problem of what else he’d found out about, he was about to … Read more

Asmodeus – Demon of Lust: Part 7

A/N – My dear readers! Thank you to everyone who has emailed me with your praise, encouragement and ideas! I love you all dearly and you keep me writing whenever I feel like throwing my laptop away. It is because of you that I present in all its ten thousand word glory; PART SEVEN!! As … Read more

When In Rome – 03

Author’s Notes Back to Callia&Cassius – although no one gets pregnant in this chapter, there IS mention of it. So, fair warning if that’s not your thing. _____________________________ CHAPTER THREE: Scene 01: Callia – Sex? No. Scene 02: Cassius – Sex? Yes. Scene 03: Callia – Sex? Yes. _____________________________ CALLIA It was her third, and … Read more

CAHILL–Part 5 of 6_(1)

CAHILL—Part 5 of 6 by Senorlongo My plans for the Bascomb’s Landing P.D. come to fruition and so do some other plans. >>>>>> We’d told our guests to come around 4:00 for dinner at 6:30 so, of course, Daryl and Jasmine came at 4:15 and Dan and Marie a few minutes later with Lucy’s parents … Read more

The Old Man and the Beach–Part 3

CHAPTER 9 A limo picked us up at 10:00 Wednesday morning as we hugged and kissed Leia good-bye. I scratched Max’s ears and told him to obey Leia. I knew he would. He and Leia had bonded completely. Our plane flew to Charlotte and from there to JFK in Queens, one of the boroughs of … Read more