“You look absolutely radiant, dear,” Hillary’s mother said after giving her a congratulatory kiss, “is Paul excited about prospect of becoming a father!?!” “Oh, yes, mother,” Hillary gushed, “he’s already talking about how he can’t wait to teach our son how to play baseball and all the other sports!!!” Jill Conway chuckled a bit and … Read more

a girl and her tentacle monster 10

As my tentacles began to drink from big sis’s new and improved tits, the ones plugging my own finally released. The pressure did not go away, my nipples not spilling a drop to my initial disappointment. They had grown again from the volume they now held, now about as big as Mommy’s, and I could … Read more

Freeuse 04: Reporting Late

Devon walked into the shop at 0703, finding it seemingly deserted. With the weather at JBLM he’d run late, but during this season that wasn’t uncommon, and 1SG Venicelli was an understanding man. “Copy,” the text response from his immediate supervisor had said roughly 10 minutes prior. His shop was one of 3 administrative sections … Read more


[b]43 FIRST PLACE GRACE “Karim, can I have your permission to have three players coach tonight that are not captains?” “Sure, Sean. Let me guess who—Fred, Michael, and Jeff.” “Great minds think alike!” All three feel honored to be recognized for their leadership. Each does well in their assigned two innings. Tremendous sportsmanship between the … Read more

the changing

I live out in the middle of no were my closest neighbor lives 5 miles down the road, but I’m not complaining living in a nice cozy house by myself I’m able to do as I please. In fact this allowed me to hide my secret better. See I have 36 D boobs, round ass, … Read more

Turning his wife into my slut

Helping a married couple conceive. Hi my name is Mark and i want to tell the event that led to me fathering three children with a married woman. It all started when I was hanging out at the local gym and was working out when I met this young married couple. Stan(24) and Cindy(20). They … Read more

Sweet Sexy Little Stephany

Stephany was a very young, petite and skinny, dark complected Latina, that was definitely flat-chested, and even though she had skinny little legs, she really had a nice firm little butt. She really was very attractive, and even though she didn’t feel that way, she always had an innocence that was alluring, and her sexy … Read more

Genetic Modification

Genetic Modification Today was to be the day. All of the tests, the hypotheses and fights with ethical groups had been, either worked out with scenarios considered, probed and prodded, or just discarded. Elaine, or just Laney to her group of friends, was ready. A small thrill of fear and doubt coursed through her, but … Read more

Perfect Girlfriend Juice, Ch. 03 (Epilogue)

Perfect Girlfriend Juice Chapter 3: Perfect Secretary (Epilogue) Once Alani had finished with Jack, having luxuriously drained his dick and then cleaned it with her tongue, she slipped his cock back in his pants while he recovered from his much-needed orgasm, reintegrated with the two other Alanis in the room, and had then calmly swayed … Read more

Missing Mom – Show Time at the Black Club

Every night men, drunken loud men would come down the stairs banging on her door. “HOE, your day is coming.” “We gonna git You Soon.” Jolene buried her head in the pillow trying to block out the noise. Jolene just lay in the bed hoping someone would come and rescue her. On the third day … Read more

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires – Chapter 11 – The Owlery

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter Eleven – The Owlery Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, preg, spank, unif The Spellbook of Desires was now in the … Read more

Jake finds a book part 9

Jake finds a book part 9 St Luke’s Presbyterian medical center Denver Colorado: Nurse Chapel made her way through the coma Ward section, next to the terminally ill wing of the hospital. She was feeling absolutely wonderful. She had spent the night with a beautiful Latina woman in a small motel, on her way back … Read more

The curious experiment

1874 – 4th of march – London, Highbaker street A monday like every other one, getting up early and preparing onesself for the hard day to come. its was becoming a routine for Sarah and at 18 she didn’t even notice anymore. She got out of bed to the call of her mother telling her … Read more

Jack and Jill – A Naughty Nursery Rhyme

“Jack and Jill went up a hill, to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after.” Jack and Jill – A Naughty Nursery Rhyme by Lubrican Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, who had a twin sister named Jill. They lived with … Read more