Monica becomes a sub IV – Didi comes home

Monica brings Didi home We left the bar and decided to take one car and come back for hers later. As we drove, Didi kept up a steady stream of nervous chatter and was constantly touching me. Not sexually though. I think she just wanted the human contact. I decided to try some calming words. … Read more

Tommy and His Mommy

Mom’s a dream, a real treasure. I’d gotten in a day earlier than expected and she was out. I’d driven through the night and wanted to get a little exercise in; I was stiff from the drive. Thought I’d swim a few laps then maybe take a nap. So I was in the pool when … Read more

Apocaliptic Lovers Mann

Apocalyptic Lovers It was a beautiful spring day in Atlanta, Georgia. The sun was out, a few puffy clouds were drifting by in the heavens, the temperature was warm, and a light breeze was blowing. It was too perfect a day to think of the disaster looming in the near future. That impending disaster was … Read more