A week earlier Veronica had been introduced to Joanne, a fifty-year old blond model, by one of her woman friends. “I could not believe she is fifty, incredibly attractive and so glamorous, Veronica told me. “She told me she knew us by reputation as we flirted, wonderful chemistry, our bisexuality obvious. She asked some pointed … Read more

Allison’s Uncle

Allison came home from school and threw her backpack on the floor near the sofa. “Uncle Pete?”she called.”You home?” “Yeah honey”, came her uncles muffled reply.”In the kitchen.” Allison came bouncing into the kitchen, her round little breasts bouncing against her thin white blouse. She went over to her uncle and gave him a quick … Read more

Alice takes her first strangers cock……..shes becoming a very good whore

When I knew Alice would be out of bed I phoned her from work. We hadn’t spoken about last night’s events down the lane as Alice seemed a bit uneasy afterwards and went straight up to bed when we arrived home. I’d absolutely loved what had happened last night, being watched by a stranger fucking … Read more

When In Rome – 07 – non-underlined version ;]

CASSIUS He wasn’t a man to use the word “cute.” But Callia, today, was the “cutest” thing he’d ever seen. Everything was so new to her, so exciting. She flitted back and forth between the market stalls, speaking to everyone.. Touching everything. And he loomed behind her, the coldest, cruelest stare he could manage trained … Read more

Slums to Sluts

We were finally moving out of the trailer park! My mom had said, bursting into my room the day it happened.
“Harper! He did it! Ethan finally asked me to marry him!” I was ecstatic. Harley, my mom, had been working this guy for months, and I had started to think it was another dead end, … Read more

Erica Tied Up and Raped Chapter 2_(2)

At 6pm varsity football practice had finished. A group of players were tired from practice and the captain had to stop by the restroom to take a piss. He heard a muffled cry from the bathroom stall. The football captain ran to the bathroom stall where he heard the voice and opened it. There he … Read more

Mowing Mr Lewis_(0)

I never saw myself as the type of girl who was pretty, a girl who turned heads and got boys attention. I guess you could say I was a tomboy, hiding my feminine nature. That’s why when Mr Lewis started showing interest, I was simply in a dream. It all started one Spring. Mr Lewis … Read more

Introduction to my life

I just love dick, everything about it. It almost looks magical to me. I love how it just grows, how it looks, how it tastes. I love sucking, pushing it all the way deep into my throat, it is such a turn on, so sexual. I love tasting a man’s cum, knowing it’s my gift … Read more

My First Sexual Experiences as a Teen

I always kind of wanted to be a boy because I grew up with all boys. When my dad passed when I was 11; I took over the whole role as boy. I rarely ever wore girl’s clothes and guys never really saw me as anything more than a boyish girl. I loved the feel … Read more

White Stepdad Training His Asian Stepdaughter Chapter 1

Jennifer was an Asian girl with a white stepdad. Her mother and biological father had divorced when she was a child, and her mom had remarried a white man. On her fourteenth birthday, she went out with friends to a karaoke bar and had a lot of fun with friends, but when she came home … Read more

Fuck me, Daddy!

My dad’s life has always intrigued me. Born as a trailer park boy with no chance of making it in the real world, he married into one of the wealthiest of families in the country. I find it truly impressive how quickly he must have changed, for from my oldest memories, he’s been a great … Read more

Beautiful Niece Kaylee Ch.4

Chapter 4 “Hey Kaylee, hold the end of this so I can measure.” I put the tape measure up and checked the numbers twice. “OK, I’m gonna need 31 and 3/4 inches cut off this one.” “You got it!” Kaylee took the 2×4 from my hands and walked over to the saw. Kaylee is my … Read more

Away From The Home

“Going anywhere nice this month Mr. Tunny?” the nurse asked as she watched Harold get his coat on and head for the door “Oh just for a stroll and maybe to the shops nurse” the old man smiled back as he put his hat on and went to kiss his wife goodbye before he went … Read more

Rachel’s Shaved Pussy III

After Kirsty’s party on Saturday, which had ended with a mess of glorious girl-on-girl fucking between me and her, I had gone home, and woken in the mid-afternoon, where realizing my younger brother was watching had added an extra fillip to my wake-up wank. That was Sunday, meaning Monday was right around the corner, and … Read more

Finding Hannah

Finding Hannah “Where is she?” my sister asks her son as she watches the servers place small dishes on the spinning glass table top. The food is already coming out and my nephew’s girlfriend isn’t here yet. Not good. I glance at my sister. She’s clearly getting annoyed, but then again, she is always annoyed. … Read more