The Contract (Brittany’s assignment)

THE CONTRACT My name is Brittany. I was fresh out of college, 22 years old, and got my first good job as a sales apprentice with a medium sized company. My job consisted mainly of making presentation materials supporting sales meetings. Basic support functions for the sales department. It’s a fairly high pressure department as … Read more

Not lonely anymore

**co-writing with my friend from Imagefap, Reddwarf** Richard Sullivan, an old Librarian. A quiet old scholar who spends his twilight years puttering around the towns dusty old library, sorting and filing endless volumes of forgotten lore; a thick and corpulent man who glides with surprising grace amongst the rows of shelves, carefully pulling and placing … Read more

How I Got Back In TheGame

After my wife died, I sank into a kind of funk. Some people would call it depression. Family and friends tried to help. They brought me meals and found activities to invite me to attend. The truth is I missed that close personal, comfortable, relationship that Mary and I had for almost 45 years. I … Read more

The Capturing Chapter 1

A knock at the door broke Alex’s concentration on his paperwork and he looked up. “Yes?” His personal assistant, Miles, opened the large oak door and stepped into Alex’s office, a white folder stuffed with papers in his hands. “Evening Miles,” Alex said, putting his pen down. “I have all the material you asked for,” … Read more

Unwanted attention – Chapter 16

Chapter 16 I got home and went in my room to cool off a bit and change out of my bathing suit which was getting a bit uncomfortable as it was tight and was digging into my skin. I started with the top first since that was where the most discomfort was coming from. As … Read more

Teachers Pet_(2)

Teachers Pet Brett finishes putting his red tie on, looking at himself in the mirror of the bedroom in the new townhouse that he and his wife Bella had just moved into. They were married last year after both graduating from school. She was originally from Manchester, England and Brett decided that living in England … Read more

The Hitchhiker Chapter 7 – Cleaning Service

It was just past 8 o’clock when we walked in the bar and I was surprised the place was pretty empty. “Wow, it’s dead in here,” I said. “Happy hour’s over Tony so the place always clears out until after 10,” Beth said. “That makes sense. It’s been such a long time since I had … Read more

Tinder for Teacher 2

The next morning Mr. Jacobsen pulls up outside of my house and sends me a text. “I’m here” it reads. I look back in the mirror to admire my outfit of the day. I dressed like a cute school girl. Plaid skirt that ends just above my knee, black t shirt, and knee highs with … Read more

The Molestation Of Miss Miyagi

The Molestation Of Miss Miyagi By rutger5 An Original (& Twisted) Story (Copyright 2013) The pretty young woman finished what she was writing on the blackboard and turned to her students. Just as she was about to speak the bell sounded, signaling the end to the period. “Okay students, that is all for today. Remember … Read more

The Damaged Stowaway. Part 4

“Now let’s get you cleaned up” He instructed her, standing up from the sofa. His huge hulking form towering over her on the floor. … Lily stood nervously in the corner of the bathroom as he shut the door behind him. Her arms wrapped around her body, acting like a shield. She could feel the … Read more