
She didn’t mind the stares, in fact, she invited them. The girl would don the skimpiest outfit to go to the drug store. The men, accompanied by their families, would look her way with no ounce as regret. A small wet spot would appear on her pink panties she put on that morning. She walked … Read more

Emma’s Big Night

Note:This is my third story. It is about rape. As usual if you dont like that kind of thing, exit now. The characters are fantasy although I wish the girl was me 🙂 It was going to be great! I was going to a college party with my older sister Kate and I was so … Read more

The Travel Vlogger

The Travel Vlogger Gretchen was already regretting her outfit choice. It was her signature look, something her followers expected from her. However, the Tokyo summer was not forgiving, and humidity did not go well with denim. Her snugly fit jeans were becoming uncomfortable, but she would have to endure, at least until after she’d found … Read more

The Captive part 1.

I was waiting patiently. He was never this late coming down. I had been sitting there for hours-infact I’d been there for two years. I remember it like it was yesterday, he’d bundled me into the car. I’d just left my friends house and the air was warm and the sun was just setting in … Read more

My mom in her friends house

well it all happened one day my mom called me out and today was strange cause she was wearing this mini skirt and and a tube and man she was really hot and sexy. Soo i followed my mom she drove to this shophouse. We got out and we went to the top floor and … Read more

His bitch ……..part one…Learning

Joshua was 28 and Kristi was 15…Joshua was kristi’s brothers friend, he was 6″1 ,white,muscley but not to muscley,blue eyes,and he was very hot alot of girls wanted him. kristi was hot to she had dark hair,was white,brown eyes,and 5″3 …she was still a virgin Joshua wanted kristi bad and her brother ,david knew it.They … Read more

Moving my whores to the city

Moving my whores into town For the next six months I used Rachel as a source of much needed entertainment and to be honest I grew very fond of Rachel as I believe she did me. But I knew deep down that once my whores contracts at Donald’s expired this coming Friday id be jacking … Read more

Sarah’s workout

“Sarah!” Derek said over the rock music playing throughout the gym, “Take your time…I have some paperwork to bust out in the office.” “Oh, okay…thanks…I won’t be much longer. Jus’ runnin’ a little late tonight” Sarah responded. “No sweat! Finish your workout. I’m gonna lock the front door. Just peek your head in the office … Read more

Master and slave_(2)

It was times like these that I counted myself lucky. I had disobeyed him, not on purpose, but it seemed he had forgiven me. I was waiting for him to tell me I could come in and suck his throbbing cock. Lord knows I wanted to give my best to him for giving me another … Read more

I can change your mind_(0)

Hey, this is my first story. It’s a little long but definitely worth it. Be gentle…or not…whichever you prefer ;). I’m Alyssa and I have been dating my boyfriend Mike for five years and he finally proposed to me at his parents house yesterday. It was about damn time too. I was starting to wonder … Read more

Breaking In And Getting Caught

“I love these small town people, always so trusting,” Frank said to himself as he carefully opened the unlocked window on the first floor of the secluded farm house. “Such dumb hicks make my job so easy.” Climbing silently into the dark room, he snapped on a small but powerful flashlight and surveyed the surroundings, … Read more

Property of Devil’s Outlaws (Part 11)

Chapter 12: Hannah’s Bold Escape Attempt Hannah did not come close to making her $3000 quota. By the time she got back out to the bar, it was past midnight and more than half of the patrons she’d seen when Wayne and Carl had bought her were long gone. Moreover, after the horrendous nightmare the … Read more

Brenda’s Birhtday

Brenda’s Birthday Brenda was 29 years old and in the garage rubbing sharpening stone with some oil on the sward clamped in the vice to sharpen it to it could be used to shave with She had spent much of the last four day doing this so it could be used on her on her … Read more