Wrestling mentor

— I retain all rights of my writings as intellectual property — Mark Calaway, ever the professional, wore a smooth fitted grey business suit that one would for a corporate meeting. Mark sat in the back of the arena, watching two females going at it. One much more athletic, noticeably so, then the other but … Read more

Linda finally gave in

So my name is Rashid. I’m an Indian, an average looking guy, five-feet-eight-inches in heights and one-hundred-and-forty-pounds with a lean body. I had a European girlfriend. Her name was Linda and she was from Riga in Latvia. I met with her during my Masters in one of the Red Cross Children Education Campaigns. One of … Read more

Journey of a Pain Slut – Act 4

PART 1 – The Guy “How was your day love?” I made a point of calling my wife. It was Monday, a whole day since I saw my Little Girl at Leeds Station. We had our thing my slut and I, and that ‘thing’ was supposed to draw the boundaries and define what it was … Read more

St Agatha’s (part 1)

St Agatha’s, (Part One) Stella Lawson sat before the Headmistress nervously playing with her fingers. Even after all these years there was something unsettling about being before the head of a school. ‘You know why you’re here I take it?’ Said the woman opposite. She was considerably older than Stella and fashionably dressed in a … Read more

L. Kay on Vacation

Cal and Leslie Kay Smythe are truly a happily married couple. Both work, Cal in financial and L. Kay in education. Their two young children take up the rest of their together time. The older has taken up soccer, the younger is in gymnastics. There’s always something going on. Don’t get me wrong. They love … Read more

Birthday girl_(0)

It was one of those quiet nights, you could hear the crickets chirping, you could heard the toads croaking. You could see the light on in the home of the Westburn’s. That typical night after dinner, Marie took care of the dishes, Dan was reading his newspaper, cigar attached to his mouth. Sean had headed … Read more

The Ride Home_(2)

As Hannah was sitting on the bench waiting for the #7 train to arrive, she noticed how crowed the subway looked tonight. Knowing that the train cars would be packed full she signed as the she saw the train arriving at the station. She figured that once again she would be standing cramed packed in … Read more

Jessie’s Rape Fantasy (Short Story)

With my right hand, I pushed her up against the wall by the nape of her neck, her face twisting to one side and pressing into the painted plasterboard. My left hand slammed the door shut, the latch clicking loudly into place, securing her and guaranteeing us some privacy. I kicked her heeled boots to … Read more

katherine meets her Daddy pt. 2

Walking up to the room on the note she lightly knocks on the door and steps back to wait. The door opens suddenly, and she is briefly blinded as her eyes adjust to the light as she feels a strong and rough hand grab her upper arm and pull her in then hears the door … Read more

Getting Back in the Dating Pool, 3

Matt woke the next morning not entirely sure where he was at until the movement next to him brought it all back into focus. Saturday morning, he had no place he had to be, so this was certainly better than waking up at home alone. And given the conversation the night before, this could become … Read more