House Slut 26 – Interlude

This chapter is predominantly non-sexual character development. If you’re enjoying following the story I hope this is a meaningful contribution to the saga. The next chapter will be sex-focused. -phenylalanine Note: I had to edit this because for some reason when it published a bunch of random words and errors were inserted into the text … Read more

A Mother’s Love (CAW 28 entry)

Beatrix looked back into the dense London fog; someone was following her. Turning into the next alleyway she waited. They had made a really bad mistake if they were trying to take her life. The soft click on the street stones plus an even softer tapping let her know they were close. A moment later … Read more

Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 09

Béla was on the bridge, again, mostly searching for a distraction from the problems in her life that she was having trouble solving right now. She was surprised at how calm she felt after spending an hour crying into Elaine’s shoulders. She smiled as she thought about how much Elaine loved her. Even though her … Read more

CAW – Just One

He sat at his window watching the quiet street. She would be by any minute. He watched her every day; twice a day, once in the morning and again in the afternoon. He did not know where she came from or where she went each day. She didn’t look up at him, she just walked … Read more

The unforgettable girl at the party (prequel)

A couple of years have passed since my brother got married. His now has a family of three and lives a nice quiet life. I was 25 at the time and he was 27. He got married to his wife last September and is the happiest man I know. When I went to go meet … Read more

Desicions, decisions 2

Charlie got to the school a couple of hours early. He was hoping to find Jacinta without Jeremy always tagging along. He walked towards the big blue building and saw some people eating outside and in the foyer. He stepped into the theatre and looked around a little looking for her. ” Excuse me” a … Read more

Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 06

Béla awoke to the sun in her eyes. It was blinding bright. She was out on her balcony and into the air before she was fully awake, suddenly realizing it was still freezing outside. Nevertheless, she flew several summersaults in the brightly-lit sky before she returned to the warmth of the manor. ‘Now they can … Read more

Perchance to Dom Ch. 05

Chapter 5 “When did you learn about him?” “Your father never lied to me.” “Where is he?” It was supper time. “Father called him away.” “You were going to tell me.” Mother smiled. “I’m glad I didn’t have to.” “How-?” It was the hardest question. “You know about stem cells. They can become sperm cells.” … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 4 Ch 10

The little prop racing plane was zooming along at almost two hundred and sixty. She banked sharply around the large balloon and began the final lap. There were three planes in front of her, so she had next to no chance of victory in this race, but Alana didn’t care. She was on leave, and … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 4 Ch 03

Darn! No sex in this one at all! Just a bunch of people talking! Chapter 3 “Someone came through the wormhole in Lisa’s Grotto?” Alicia asked, her eyes wide with surprise. “Who was it? Anyone we know?” “No,” Jake replied. “Some pregnant girl from Canada and her boyfriend. The girl claimed she met Beth once, … Read more

My Love Adventure

Chapter 1 From Brendon’s point of view Oh my god… this is a bit embarrassing. Hmmm… I don’t know how to start. Ok, let me begin by introducing myself. My name is Brendon, Brendon Bowne. I’m a loner pretty much. I don’t really have that much friends, no, actually I don’t have any. I don’t … Read more

Time to fight back 2

As I sat in the principal’s office, awaiting my impending lecture from my parents, the paramedic arrived. She was a middle aged woman but age had treated her kindly. She had shoulder length red hair and really defined cheek bones like someone who had been malnourished. “Ah, yes,” Mr. Markham said, observing the paramedic as … Read more

Jacq’s Adventure

Once in a faraway kingdom lived a widow and her daughter, like all widows in these stories she was very poor. So her daughter had to leave home at the age of sixte… erm I mean eighteen to make her fortune (relax, it’s just a joke). She said to her mother, “I’m going to make … Read more

Phoenix ch 04

Béla was behind the wheel of her exotic little red sports car. She glared at Frank. He folded his arms and glared back at her. It was after two a.m. in the morning and she was fed up with all those military types and the way they looked at her like she was some kind … Read more


Many years ago, a war, spread like wildfire across our globe and several other nations we had become aligned with in the course of our intrepid indiscretions into interstellar borders. This war was more terrible than many of the great wars of our timeline, involving many of our peoples. It was decreed that the war … Read more

A fun weekend with teen sluts, Epilogue (No sex!)

Monday morning I woke late, my alarm had gone off unnoticed. When sensing who my naked partners in bed where, all thoughts of work soon evaporated. Next to me lay Susan, a 38 year old ebony beauty, mother to Lisa, a 17 year old equally stunning teen, who lay on the other side of me, … Read more

Camp (part two) unfinished version

Jonah:- “Wha..Whe..Where am i” The last thing he remembered was the fight between Lance and Lucifer, the searing pain he felt, the dagger sticking out of his chest and the extra pain he was been caused by someone attempting to pull it out, the look on celeste’s face as he stared into her beautiful eye’s, … Read more