Loving Courtney…The True Story

Loving Courtney…the True Story Earlier this year, I wrote my first attempt at erotic romantic fiction here on XNXX called ‘Loving Courtney’ The story, which became a series thanks to the votes and comments from you, Kind Readers, was seemingly well received. Now I would like to relate all the facts that brought the series … Read more

Twin sisters abducted and brutally raped

In the planet of Halwats, a hundred galaxies away from Planet Earth, two male convicts were punished in a brutal, frustrating manner. They were drugged to increase sexual feelings and then locked in a spacecraft alone and it was projected into space. After a thousand years the spacecraft drifts towards Earth and crash lands in … Read more

Rianimazione – Chapter 1

Rianimazione Chapter 1 I sighed, as I slumped back into my chair. It’s the same thing every day; I go to school, go to class, walk home, and spend the night in my basement, until I can gather the energy to drag myself back to bed. And then, I lie there, and ponder why my … Read more

Can a demon love?

Can a demon love? – Story by MISTER BIG T One of my more serious productions. I blame it all on the rainy days and the fact that my potatoes burnt leaving nasty smell all around apartment. Nevar forgat the potatoes =( There I stood, next to my mistress who sat on a throne made … Read more

Last 10 Seconds

I wrote this story back in 1987 (when I was 22) it was suggested I should write a story about one of my biggest fears. Note that this was written several years before marriage and kids. Last 10 Seconds It’s June 15th in a small bar somewhere in Indianapolis, Greg Smith is sitting mumbling that … Read more


— Hi Bob. — Hello Brad… what-s up? — I was wondering if you heard anything about that fellow who disappeared in Alberta a couple of months back. — NO! …. We have no idea what happened to Stan… he just walked out the door and never came back. WE are in constant touch with … Read more

A Quick Experience (Non-erotic)

The most surreal experience just happened. Now, I’m not the type that usually shares these sorts of things, but this was too weird not to! I was sitting there, watching TV with my wife and daughters, when someone knocked on the door. I just assumed it was my oldest daughter’s friend, come to play with … Read more

The great war 3033

The year is 3033 and the galaxy is in need of guardians to protect We start off on the planet trench were their is a baby boy. The names of the parents were Jack and Lucie shadow. yes i know what you are think what a bad name for a family but what you don’t … Read more

Saving My Marriage – part 10

As our story continues, along come some exciting twists and new revelations. Just as before, some of this is true and some is fantasy. A warning – this segment doesn’t include any sexual encounters. It is our shopping trip through the adult shop. Some sexy outfits, foreshadowing of some possible things to come… but didn’t … Read more

The Succubae Seduction 3: Knight’s Son Ch 02

Legacy Now, I don’t consider myself an insensitive person, and I have a high regard for life. However, I also believe some people should be removed from society with extreme prejudice: child molesters, rapists, and people who don’t use their blinker among them. Okay, I’m joking with that last one. Anyway, my father’s death gave … Read more

CAW 21 inspired short

It was a dark and stormy night, the nocturnal sounds were silent in the large mansion, clouds had drifted in from the North, obscuring even the stars. A scream pierced the tumult created by the howling wind, the large mansion was no stranger to screams, in its dark history it had perceived many a scream, … Read more

Saving My Marriage – part 11

As our story continues, there will be more exposition and character/story development. I hope you will still like where the story is going and the bits of sexual interaction that will still be in the segments. Of course, I still encourage your feedback – both positive and negative. That is the only way I can … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 4 Ch 01

New Beginnings Part 4 Chapter 1 Eliannai stepped up behind the Science Officer and gently wrapped her fingers around his arm. For a moment, they both gazed at the dying body of their captain, also the Science Officer’s lifemate. “Sibilius,” the dead Seeker whispered into his ear. Turning his head, Sibilius jerked back for an … Read more

Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 09

2079 a.d. – Autumn Elaine and Béla were on Béla’s big four-poster bed. It had been almost two years since Béla had announced her intention to return to Earth when the great ship high above them departed. ‘I already miss you,’ Elaine thought sadly to her sister. ‘You will leave a big hole in my … Read more

Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 02

How does one tell time when there is no darkening and everything is the same? I awake and it’s morning. When I sleep it becomes night. How long is the day? Yesterday felt short. I was inside the Praetor for forty years. My cabin looked like it had been destroyed for longer than that. And … Read more

Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 09

The sonic boom was followed by the constant roar of a ramjet, indicating that the approaching craft had slowed to less than the speed of sound. It was circling high above his cabin in a tight arc, rapidly losing speed and altitude. ‘It might be Frank and Tanya coming to visit,’ he thought, smiling to … Read more

How to tell your wife you watch porn

So you have used porn for years secretly.  Your wife has caught you a few times and you sincerely promised to never do it again.  But a few weeks/months later, you saw a link and… well.  There you were. Then you started wondering why all men look at porn no matter how religious, Christian, or … Read more

Shattered Memories ch4

I sat there, silently, staring at my one hundred and nine scratches on the wall. I took a deep breath, trying to stabilise my will, to keep going. Yesterday… Yesterday had hurt. A pain I hadn’t felt in months. Not since I last saw her. Not since I got here. I sighed, standing up, when … Read more

Rosa and the Wolves- Prequel

Just the prequel! Rosa couldn’t believe that she was even in this predicament, she thought to herself as she urged her horse faster, her big tits jiggling with every gallop the horse took. The horse neighed in fear, its breath coming faster now as it was urged to run as fast as it could, not … Read more