Lost Empire 88

Onai could only shake her head. Kimon had obviously pushed further than she thought he had. Really, she thought as she hit a few spots on her shoulders and chest. She drew an easier breath as she felt most of the pain fade. An attempt to stand proved a little premature as she fell sprawled … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 3 Ch 08

The blue-white sun filled the afternoon sky with light too bright to look at directly. The soft, summer breeze was mesmerizing as it kissed his bare chest and caressed his arms and legs, making him put off awakening as long as he could. A few blades of grass that weren’t trampled down brushed against his … Read more

CapriSidney by

*please note that this is a work of pure fiction. None of these events have actually happened in real life, and this is more of a joke. Enjoy* It was a nice day in June, a nice day to sit out in the sun with your friends and enjoy a cool drink. For the 2 … Read more

Masked magician

Alone walked a young boy through the city of Bradford, it was Kenny Miller’s fifteenth birthday and he was spending it alone, he looked across the road at all the other people his age playing with their friends, he walked on thinking about how he could try to reach out to people, maybe he should … Read more

Queen Yavara: Chapter 47

Part Fourteen: A Traitor of Two Nations Interlude Yavara sat upon a black throne. She closed her eyes and savored the discordant symphony of wails and moans, the drone punctuated by the clanking of chains and the cracking of whips. Exhaling contentedly, she opened her eyes. Below her laid a spectacle of depravity, churning masses … Read more

Crystal ridge 4

I returned to the cabin to help Laura clean up the mess that Bear had made in the living room. I stoked up the fire and started burning the plastic bags, the towels that we used to clean the floor. Both of us worked feverishly to get the mess completely cleaned up as well as … Read more

Am I turning into a serial killer savior? Part one

Have you ever had one of those days everything goes just as you want it to? The kinda day that goes so perfect you’d think the universe was setting you up for something extremely terrible to happen. I get cancer, lose my job or find out I owe money to the mob or something like … Read more

Thoughts on Storytelling: Introduction

Every day I see the internet virtually inundated with alleged tutorials on how to write a good story. For all the world, as if the author’s methods are the only way to achieve success, and, even more arrogantly, as if by following their step-by-step manual, every story you produce will become a massive hit. Quite … Read more

Harry potter unfinished re-write

It had been barely 24 hours since the battle between Harry Potter and Lord Voldermort, since the battle Harry had destroyed the elder wand and spent most of his time with his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermoine Granger, he had also spent a little time with his girlfriend Ginny Weasley who just happened to … Read more

Reflections – Malone’s Bar and Grill

…Sheila walks into the lobby…, she is tired…, and yet…, she still has a meeting this evening with a woman sent by her boss. This woman is to be Sheila-s assistant… a.k.a. the Body Guard… ….. Sheila shakes her head… — I am a nice girl, a good Christian girl and I need a body … Read more

Camryn: C05

—– 5 — “By honey, we’ll be back in two weeks,” my mom woke me up. I rolled over as she closed my bedroom door. It was almost night already. I had just slept about eight hours after only being awake maybe seven. I was still tired. Oh well, more sleep would fix that. I … Read more


Burning She gripped the bottle in her hands as she took drink after drink from it. Trying to drown out all the sorrow she saw every time she closed her eyes. The quote her mother used to say to her kept repeating within her mind.” Everything will be alright” she hated that quote since nothing … Read more

My love :(

All’s I can ever tell you is the truth, When I first met you I sort of hoped you would just be one of those people who would walk away after a couple of days, I didn’t ever intend for you to become a big part of my life, I never intentionally let you become … Read more

Oh, to find her now

I looked into the mirror and saw the eyes of a dying man. I was 24 years old, a young man now ascending to his prime and I was going to die. Why, you may ask am I going to die, well it is called HIV precursor to the AIDS virus and the reason why … Read more

Meeting Alyssa part 2

Alyssa’s head bobbed on Blake’s cock, deep throating him every so often. Her hot mouth and tongue felt amazing on his cock. This was something he’d wanted for so long, something he thought would never happen. “Mm, Alyssa, I’m so close..” He moaned. Alyssa just winked, and deep throated him again, licking his cock, while … Read more

Being Cerberus sometimes really bites

You know getting stabbed really bites when the pain you feel doesn’t feel even a quarter what that pain should be, but you have to act like your in agony and then “die”. But I guess obviously they didn’t know I was “Cerberus the ancient gate guardian of hell” or “Cerberus the powerful door guard … Read more

The Trail to the Top of the Mountain

I seemed to be on a path of some kind. I have no clue on how I got there. But the place was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I was on a path going uphill circling around a great mountain peak. The view was tremendous. I looked off and I could see … Read more

Will’s new old home: Preview

Though the summer was young, the Reed family, along with Brook, had gone to Tucson for the majority of the summer. They kept in touch with all of their friends from Nevada, but for the most part, they wished to remain close to Maggie, Clair, and Sam for the summer especially to recover from the … Read more

7 love dove love shove

13 LOVE FROM ABOVE “Hey Alex. I’m so happy for you and Logan.” “Thanks Jeff, but what happened to you?” “What do you mean?” “This speaking in tongues stuff.” “Oh! You heard. Who told you?” “Who didn’t tell me!” Everyone thinks your cranium cracked.” “It was crazy! But I’m still the little rascal you always … Read more