Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 09

2079 a.d. – Autumn Elaine and Béla were on Béla’s big four-poster bed. It had been almost two years since Béla had announced her intention to return to Earth when the great ship high above them departed. ‘I already miss you,’ Elaine thought sadly to her sister. ‘You will leave a big hole in my … Read more

Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 02

How does one tell time when there is no darkening and everything is the same? I awake and it’s morning. When I sleep it becomes night. How long is the day? Yesterday felt short. I was inside the Praetor for forty years. My cabin looked like it had been destroyed for longer than that. And … Read more

Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 09

The sonic boom was followed by the constant roar of a ramjet, indicating that the approaching craft had slowed to less than the speed of sound. It was circling high above his cabin in a tight arc, rapidly losing speed and altitude. ‘It might be Frank and Tanya coming to visit,’ he thought, smiling to … Read more

How to tell your wife you watch porn

So you have used porn for years secretly.  Your wife has caught you a few times and you sincerely promised to never do it again.  But a few weeks/months later, you saw a link and… well.  There you were. Then you started wondering why all men look at porn no matter how religious, Christian, or … Read more

Shattered Memories ch4

I sat there, silently, staring at my one hundred and nine scratches on the wall. I took a deep breath, trying to stabilise my will, to keep going. Yesterday… Yesterday had hurt. A pain I hadn’t felt in months. Not since I last saw her. Not since I got here. I sighed, standing up, when … Read more

Rosa and the Wolves- Prequel

Just the prequel! Rosa couldn’t believe that she was even in this predicament, she thought to herself as she urged her horse faster, her big tits jiggling with every gallop the horse took. The horse neighed in fear, its breath coming faster now as it was urged to run as fast as it could, not … Read more

Journey of a Pain Slut – The Epilogue’s Epilogue … A Little Ghosting

Journey of a Pain Slut – A Little Ghosting The Little Girl’s coming…She’s already here. She slips through the casement; she’s smelling your fear… I knew the house all too well. The electric gates, the double-garage, the stone cladding masking an unremarkable, yet essentially overgrown and ugly pretentiousness. I knew the hallway, the turn of … Read more

You Belong to Me 2

The first time Gina saw what he was working with came as a bit of a wake-up call. Like ‘Oh, yeah. Hey, I remember what that’s for. I remember what that does.’ It hung heavy like some kind of obscene party favor, but at the time they had more important things to worry about. Even … Read more

My Love Life Ch.1 Dottie

My Love Life – Chapter 1 Dottie This chapter is simple and may not get too erotic. Bear with the chapters as it gets better. These chapters surround the following chapters, as we (Dottie and I) were always getting back together and breaking up again. See Chapter 5 for more about Dottie. Chapter 1. Dottie … Read more

Camp part three (unfinished)

Jonah:- “Celeste i..i..i’m..” Celeste:- “Jonah it isn’t your fault, it never was, all the things you did they were never you, he contolled you, turned you into something you’re not” Jonah:- “But..” Celeste:- “No but’s mister, in the end you get to be the hero, you have to finish this, finish of lance for good, … Read more

Camp Karma

It was early morning I assume when I first awoke from my nightmare filled sleep, It was still dark out so I could only assume it was early, Deciding I needed a few more hours I layed back down and closed my eyes only to wake again what seemed two minutes later, A quick glance … Read more

A Home Away From The Home I Knew

Walking amongst them I immediately felt a little less than human. Everyone I could see was smiling and laughing at unheard comedic anecdotes, or watching their children play grinning like idiots. This was not sensible but nonetheless shot down my self esteem. I didn’t know anyone there nor did they acknowledge me. I relented and … Read more

Herodias Long

Herodias Long England in the year 1636 was a tumultuous place. The Thirty Years War on the European Continent had spread to the high seas and around the world involving England in war against France and Spain. However, the most troublesome conflicts to the people of England were on their own soil. There were at … Read more

Phoenix Pt 4 Epilog

The sign on the frosted glass door said, ‘Tomlin Corporation’. In smaller print, two lines centered below the corporate name read: ‘Raymond Blacker’, ‘Chief of Security’. The courier knocked twice on the door, then entered without waiting for a response. The strong scent of cigar smoke assaulted his nose and eyes as he stepped into … Read more

Journey of a Pain Slut – The Epilogue

The sun streamed in through the large bedroom window of the mountainside apartment. It wasn’t huge but it was big enough and the views out over the Atlantic were stunning. It triggered memories … too many really. Sitting up in bed I brushed my hands back over my head, taking my hair with them. Twisting … Read more

Just wanted to vent and get my story out

I am, depressed but not. A simple logical fallacy, either I am or I am not, a two faced coin of the same question that when flipped will result in one of two answers. Either I am or I am not. Call me Joe, I won’t use my real name but I will use the … Read more

The way to fame by

It was 12 o clock Jack was sitting behind the bar as he watching the patrons of his bar. He looked away at the clock. The band that would play tonight was late. He walked out of the bar to the dressing room. The guitarist of the band was on a chair by the door … Read more

As Twiligh Tide Draws Nigh

Josef awoke, and soon realized that it was early and that today he was on duty. Already bright sunlight was streaming in through his window. He loved this time of day; so fresh, so full of opportunity and promise. As he lay there he caught the faint smell of lavender coming from somewhere. “Was it … Read more