Assassin No More (Complete)

Chapter 1 Opening my eyes I had always been different than others of the clan, I was faster and have better endurance. I was better with weapons or my hands, I was also better at solving problems. What I was not was a full clan member. I had been bought in a market by the … Read more

Wooden man.

I sat alone in the corner, now that the vampires are all dead they don’t need me anymore but they said they’d still use me as a plaything now and then. I should introduce myself before I tell my story I suppose, I’m Milo, a walking, talking wooden man. I know what you’re thinking, I … Read more

Polyjuice Potion and the squib

I remember how it all started. It started the day my sister got the letter. I had been expecting it to come – always hoping against hope that she would be a squib like me. Then I wouldn’t feel so inferior. I had always been jealous of my sister. She got all the genes that … Read more

Keeping things even (Complete)

Chapter one The Merchant’s Home I watched the merchant’s home from two houses away. The large gargoyle I was hiding behind was more than big enough to hide me. I watched as the door opened and both the merchant and his annoying wife walked away. I waited until they were down the street further and … Read more

Holiday Short Stories

Tastes like Chicken —————————– I stumbled down the street my guts feeling as if they were being ripped apart, the night street lights hardly providing adequate light, the worst thing was my hunger had grown to monstrous new heights. Where was that idiot of a wife of mine? I’d starve to death before she ever … Read more

Tales of a Wizard’s Thief (Complete)

Prologue My name is Sinclair and I was born on the street. I do not remember my mother and never knew my father. I was raised mostly by various thieves. By ten I was one of the best pickpockets and could pick any lock. By fourteen I was one of the best thieves in the … Read more

Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 07

It was two weeks later. The ground was just now thawing enough for spring planting. The Great Bard had convinced the farmers who had worked on the university foundation last summer to start on the brick walls, but now they were gone, attending to their own plowing and planting. Béla had just found out that … Read more

The Island Part One

Chapter One It was a cool windless night on the Moricana cruise ship. I was sitting on the deck at the back looking at the stars, thousands of them, twinkling back at me like millions of diamonds. I could barely believe I have been on this ship for over a week now already, but my … Read more


My name is Samuel Allen Steele. I graduated highschool when I was sixteen. I wanted to join the military but I was to young so I went to a local trade school instead. I learned about working metal and fabrication. When I graduated they even helped me find a job. On my eighteenth birthday I … Read more

KB and Me_(0)

The following story is true, and accurate, as best to my recollection. If it was fiction, it would have had a much happier ending. “What are your intentions with my mom?’ Those were some of the first words I can recall hearing from the beautiful 10 year old. Looking deep into her steel blue eyes, … Read more

A Thief’s Tale (Complete)

Chapter one A Thief’s Beginning I remember the first time I watched Petri’e practice picking pockets. He was using a mock person that was dressed in merchant clothes. There was tiny bells sewn into the suit of clothes and they rang if he did it wrong. I was lying on the floor in the next … Read more

House Girl XI-Conclusion

WARNING! NO SEX IN THIS CHAPTER! This is the conclusion of the main story line for the House Girl Series and contains no sex at all. Sorry. I am writing the House Girl Epilogue right now and it will contain as much erotic content as my imagination can create. If you are looking for a … Read more

Shadow Walker (Complete)

Chapter one I stared at the manor house of the cruel noble intently. I had been watching it every night for the last week. Soon it would be midnight and I had decided to move by then. Silently I moved to the edge of the roof and swung over to carefully make my way down … Read more

Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 02

A small passenger carrier was approaching Northern Depot. The wind from the craft blew stronger as four giant blades churned faster in their housings, throwing air forward to slow the craft. The wind whipped Béla’s hair, stinging her cheeks as she faced away from the landing pad to protect her face and eyes from flying … Read more

Magical Hearts chapter 2

Magical Hearts Meeting my father-in-law: chapter 2 Once we land in a clearing some distance up the road away from the East gate. Justin says, “We did make excellent time. That has to be the fastest carpet I have ever used. You two did excellent on its creation.” I smile and say, “Thank you Master … Read more

New Life Part 2_(1)

Three years later, Kerry and I were doing fine. Our move to San Diego had definitely been a big change for us, but it was a good change. I had talked to my boss and was able to make a transfer to a branch that resided close to our new home. We lived 15 minutes … Read more

Modern Mage – Chapter 6

After Sindee left for her meeting I had to get started on my day. First thing I did was call Marcus and arrange to pick him up after I finished at the Architect’s office. We went over the plans and finalized most of the design aspects. There were still a few details that had to … Read more

Magical Hearts chapter 4

Wedding problems: chapter 4 The Duke had murdered more than the priestess who had come before him. He and his men had went to the Temple of Aphrodite and killed all there. Even the youngest acolyte was murdered, and no one to officiate our wedding ceremony. No wonder he had angered the gods so greatly, … Read more

Modern Mage – Chaper 5

Another Chapter down, hope those of you who like the story are continuing to enjoy it. I got a little more character development done and brought another important player for the direction I have in mind for the story into play. I know the story is going slowly, however I’m writing that way because I … Read more