A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

It was a very emotional Christmas morning between Adam and Allison as both began to come together as twins. The family looked on noticing that bright smile that Adam always showed from time to time. Karen and Lindsey on the other hand were inseparable. Both clung to each other just as sisters would. The boys … Read more

The Mercenary’s Shadow ch.4

Chapter 4 The wind whistled in my ear as I fell swiftly. I felt two more arrows shoot pass me, one grazing my cheek slightly. We fell till about halfway outside the building when I shouted “Kenndo!” For a heart-stopping moment, nothing happened and we continued falling. Then, suddenly large black wings opened on each … Read more

Sex – Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English – chapter-5

Adolescent sexuality is a stage of human development in which adolescents experience and explore sexual feelings. Interest in sexuality intensifies during the onset of puberty, and sexuality is often a vital aspect of teenagers’ lives. In humans, sexual interest may be expressed in a number of ways, such as flirting, kissing, masturbation, or having sex … Read more

Misty Mountains Ch.4 Ambush_(1)

Fili laid in his large bed panting, laid down beside him on either side were the elf twins, Laurel and Seraph. They had come back to his room with him after being dismissed by their mistress for the night, he hadn’t been expecting the ladies to accompany him but he was not disappointed. They had … Read more

Courting A Vampire 7

Chapter 7 I danced most of the night, only taking a break for water or fresh air with the three Lycans. They passed me to each other, and Damien stepped in only twice more before they monopolized me entirely. It was after midnight when I waved the flag of surrender and told them that I … Read more

A guy and his….?(7) (Judgement)

A guy and his….?(7) (Judgement) ———————————————————————————————————————– The next day Jake was awakened by a booming gong sound. Reaching for Gen, he not only didn’t feel her next to him but also found that he had very little room to move. What the hell is going on? Leaning back he could only wait till someone or … Read more

A father’s ultimate sacrifice

When you become a parent, it’s a no-brainer that you’ll do anything and everything in your power to protect your children. Throughout most of your child’s life, that time never comes (except in certain situations, of course), and you pray it never comes, because you want to keep your child safe no matter what the … Read more

Born Out of War

I was seventeen when I graduated from high school. My mother had died two years before and dad had just not been the same, he died a day after I graduated. I think he held on that long only because of me. The doctors said it was of natural causes. I think it was because … Read more

Suffering From Sanity

Chapter One I’ve been here for five years. Many have proven incapable of surviving this long. They lose their minds and succumb to the insanities they are labeled. They are defined by their insanities and are slaves to them. They come in here, secretly denying their insanities, and over time, are moulded into the exact … Read more


The story starts with an man at the tower of Babel depicted in the bible. This man sat hovering high above the city on shimmering white feather wings as he shouts to the king “you have betrayed me and my purpose I fight for freedom for all kinds but you have enslaved the witches, vampires … Read more

The Cat (Complete)

Part one I walked the street, no one giving me a second look. They all thought I was a beggar or street scum that preyed on the unwary. I was wearing ragged looking clothes and was dirty and kind of unkempt. Even though I was eighteen I looked much younger. It was the front I … Read more

Ranger of the north (Complete)

Chapter one Earning my weapons My father had been a ranger and his and his. I had trained all my life to follow them and as soon as my twentieth year came I left the large fortress in Blue Pass. Many went north through the pass to earn their place, I went west along the … Read more

Shadow (Complete)

Chapter 1 I was born William Edward Kingson. My mother had been a maid in the Keep of king Henry. I was the bastard son he refused to acknowledge like several others. My mother ended up marrying the captain of his guards. He was the one that taught me how to use weapons and how … Read more

Wizardly protector

I found the trunk in side room off the basement. It must have been a secret room at one time, but the door had crumbled with the passing of time. I was eighteen and lived on an old sail boat in a boatyard. Not that that was bad, the boat was fifty feet long and … Read more

Hole in the ground (Complete)

Chapter 1 Remembering I was born July 25 1940 and my name is Samuel David Grey. I enjoyed learning new languages and could speak and understand seven by the time I graduated from high school. My father had been a veteran of World War II and came to believe a man should be able to … Read more

The Wrath of Gaia pt 2

I awoke to the feeling of cold air berating my throbbing head, but as I reached up to rub my temple, I noticed that my hands were tied behind my back. I start to look around, trying to patch together what has happened so far as I happen to look down and realize that I … Read more

Mercenary Scout

My name is Hunter Silvan. I am nineteen and had just finished burying the last of my family. We have lived here at the base of the northern mountains for ten generations. I have grown up learning to fight, track and hunt, my mother had made sure I could read and write as well. Life … Read more