I thought mom’s problems started on that Christmas morning when Dad got me a gift that totally changed my life. The fact is that mom’s problems started long before that, but at that time I didn’t know and didn’t care ’cause I was too wrapped up in the wonderful gift my father gave me. It … Read more

Becky’s Marine chapter 10

Chapter 10 It was summertime here in the south and several months had passed since the refinery explosion. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the US Chemical Safety Board (CSB) were wrapping up their investigation. The refinery had been rebuilt after 3 long months of work. Mike had spent 2 weeks in the … Read more

Sex – Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English – chapter- 9 SEX DISEASES

A sexually transmitted disease (STD) is a disease which spreads by having sex. STDs can spread through oral sex or anal sex, or when two people’s genitals touch. Today, STDs are usually called sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In the past, they were called venereal diseases (VD). STDs can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites. … Read more

Space Saga ~ Prologue

I felt as the nanite reserves in my spine spread through my body shutting it down as they went. As the little nanites did their thing I thought back on how everything had come out to this situation. My name is Peter Grimm, I am a royal Lord Knight to the emperor himself. This was … Read more

Becky’s Marine part 4

Chapter 4 It had been almost 2 months since my date with Becky, which turned out to be probably the most incredible night of my life. I sat in the smoke shack at work, enjoying a break from the hustle and bustle of a Wednesday day shift when my phone rang. I checked the called … Read more

Fatal Frame II: The Crimson Sacrfice.

*Author’s Note- This is my first Fatal Frame fan fiction, I love the games, and felt I had to write this. It’s just the Normal Ending from Crimson Butterfly, with what I would think Mio would be going through with having to search for and save her sister. I hope you enjoy, and I could … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 1

Chapter One: Get “Rich” Or Die Trying She leaned up against the brick wall of the local thrift store, close to Harrisburg Pike and Mound Street. It wasn’t the best of areas, but Angel had certainly been in worse. Her grey jean shorts, tshirt, and vest were worn. She wore black boots that were in … Read more

A Chance Encounter Part II

2 months later Marie sat in the back seat of her best friends Aélita’s Chevy sonic listening to the conversation going on around her. She couldn’t believe she has let Aélita talk her into going to Colorado. But she had to admit she really did want to go because she wanted to see Jeremy again, … Read more


Tiana woke up early on the morning of her 16th birthday. She felt tingly and nervous, knowing she was going to meet Jaresen today. More than meet him; he was going to take her virginity! This match had been planned since she was 10, but she’d known this day was going to happen her whole … Read more

the great war 3033 part 3

It’s been 2 days when Lucie saw the army helicopter’s in the distance and what made it worse was that they weren’t their to rescue her they were their to kill her, Lucie had to think of something and fast however, she only had an hour to 2 hours until they were upon her. Jack … Read more

The Legend of Zelda: A Different Path – Bk 1 Ch 1

Link crouched in the shadowy alley as he watched the hustle and bustle of the bazaar across the street. The hot, sticky air that permeated his hiding place was saturated with the cloying stench of rotting garbage, and other, less pleasant, refuse. He smiled grimly as he thought that most people would start gagging immediately … Read more

Courting A Vampire 8

Chapter 8 I woke up to a cool hand rubbing along my entire body. I smile before opening my eyes, greeted by dark silver eyes and a brief but sweet kiss. I felt different and turned my face to the light streaming into the room. The cool hand caressed my cheek and I turned back … Read more

She was a lesbian but I wanted to fuck her so bad.

She was a lesbian but I wanted to fuck her so bad. Hi my name is Ralph and I am a light skinned black man. I am 24 years old and I am 6-4 and weigh 208 pounds. I have just moved into my Jersey City one bedroom apartment as I have found employment at … Read more

The Princess and the Captain (3)

Amber walked into her chamber Jim trailing close behind her, “feeling better?” He inquired a worried look on his face. “Yes Jim,” she sighed “I”m not a baby” “No, but right now you need to take it easy” he replied “Jim I am about to be crowned emperoress I can not afford to take it … Read more

One in a Million (edited ver.)

“Joseph P Cain! Get your lazy ass up right now mister before your late for school!” I awoke groggily to the sound an alarm an angry mother standing in the doorway. “Wha? What time is it?” I asked still trying to shake my morning coma “It is almost seven o’clock and I need to go … Read more

Return to Earth – 6

It was almost last week when they got a message from their professors. Due to the extensiveness, they were going to be reviewing their project after classes the following day. Neither of them was concerned. Overall they were done. All they were doing now was maintaining it. “Daniel,” Cynthia called from the other side of … Read more

Friends Saved (The Mission (9)

Charles tried to open his eyes, a small groan erupted from his dry throat. Christ what in the hell hit me he thought, feels like I’ve been hit several times. “Alatem,” He heard a sexy voice say, “he’s awake dermal regeneration at 95%, all ribs have been set and are now at 79% I estimate … Read more

harry potter 16 The War Ends by

Harry awoke some time later to the felling of a cool rag pressed to his head. He tried to get up but he was pushed back down onto his bed. “Just lay there. You need your rest.” Harry heard Ginny tell him before falling asleep again. He awoke the next day to loud talking in … Read more